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New to The Street T.V. Announces the Corporate Interviews on its 265th T.V. Show, Airing on Fox Business Network, Tonight, Monday, November 15, at 10:30 PM PT and the 266th T.V. Show Airing Tomorrow Night, Tuesday, November 16, 2021, at 10:30 PM PT

NEW YORK, Nov. 15, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — FMW Media’s New to The Street T.V. announces the broadcastings of its nationally syndicated shows tonight, Monday, November 15, 2021, at 10:30 PM PT and tomorrow, Tuesday night, November 16, 2021, at 10:30 PM PT on Fox Business Network.

New to The Street’s 265th T.V. show, airing tonight, Monday, November 15, 2021, 10:30 PM PT, on the Fox Business Network, features the following FOUR (4) Companies and their businesses representatives:

1). Global Wellness Strategies, Inc.’s (OTCQB: PNNRF) (CSE: GWS) (Frankfurt: O3X4) interview, Ms. Meris Kott, CEO.

2). Healixa, Inc.’s (OTCPINK:EMOR) interview, Ian Parker, CEO.

3). Cryptocurrency – Prism Networks’ (CRYPTO:PRISM) ($PRISM) interviews, Mr. Lachlan Harnell Co-founder / Lead Developer, and Mr. Ming Wo, Founder / CEO from Strips Finance.

4). Rego Payments Architectures, Inc.’s (OTCQB:RPMT) interviews, Mr. Dan Aptor, Head of Strategy, and Mr. Don Codling, President, Codling Group International.

Airing tonight, Monday, November 15, 2021, on New to The Street T.V., the interview with Ms. Meris Kott, CEO, Global Wellness Strategies, Inc. (OTCQB:PNNRF) (CSE:GWS). Talking with T.V. Host Jane King, Ms. Kott passionately talks about the Company’s focus and growth in solving the puzzle of chronic pain with MDMA-based medicines, utilizing clinical trials for novel drug developments. Meris updates the recent stock symbol change on its primary stock exchange, the Canadian Stock Exchange; the new stock symbol, GWS, better represents the Company’s business model. Shanti Therapeutics, a GWS investment, operates in Australia, and Meris provides viewers with the challenges of doing business remotely during COVID. Informatively, Meris discusses the differences in the current approaches in the marketplace using psychedelics, comparing other companies’ studies in mental disorders, but Global Wellness concentrates on pain. With a biotech system on pain using psychedelic-based compounds, Meris remains confident in getting a must-needed pharmaceutical-grade psychedelic solution to solve the medical needs of those with chronic, post and pre-operational pains and discomforts. She expects clinic trials to begin in Australia in January 2022 and explains the process. Meris breaks down the Company’s other CBD, hemp, psilocybin, and extracts products for consumers used as natural energizers, supplements, and relaxers.

New to The Street T.V. Host Jane King’s in-studio NASDAQ interview with Mr. Ian Parker, CEO, Healixa, Inc. (OTCPINK:EMOR) on tonight’s show, Monday, November 15, 2021. Mr. Parker provides viewers with a comprehensive update on the Company. With Healixa’s mission to heal humans through sustainability products, the Company focuses its sales and marketing strategies on its products, technologies, and solutions. Mr. Parker gives a comprehensive update on Healixa’s health technology products and applications portfolio and its clean water products and technologies. The Company plans a commercial roll-out of its digital pharmacy applications since beta testing proved successful viability. Mr. Parker further explains the need for worldwide clean water solutions while talking about the Company’s recent appearances at a NATO Special Forces conference in Poland and the U.N. Climate Change Conference (COP26) in Scotland. The Atmospheric Water Harvesting® (AWH®) product, which takes water particles from the air and converts it into clean drinkable water, looks to solve a scarcity and clean water problem that affects every corner of the Earth. Ian explains how Healixa’s water harvester works in comparison to the natural occurrence of making H2O. For shareholders, the value proposition of creating water during a worldwide scarcity and doing so economically remains an exciting prospect for both current and future shareholders alike. Ian thanked his team at all of the Company’s divisions for their commitment to developing and deploying solutions for the needs of humankind.

On tonight, Monday, November 15, 2021, New to The Street T.V. interviews Mr. Lachlan Harnell, Co-founder / Lead Developer of Prism Networks (CRYPTO:PRISM) ($PRISM), and Mr. Ming Wo, Founder / CEO of Strips Finance. Prism Network’s blockchain “Prism Bridges” platforms give users the freedom to choose the blockchain communities and ecosystems, and Laughlin describes the technology. “Prism Bridges” was developed because of the high transaction fees associated with assets movements using Ethereum into other trade platforms. Now, end-users can use “Prism Bridges” with easy and lower fees. He talks about the suite of cross-chain swap tools currently underdeveloped, which provide various tools so that end-users can change to other trade platform networks freely, quickly, timely, eliminating multiple steps and fees. Mr. Ming Wo joins in the discussion about DeFi (Decentralized Finance) on the trading of interest rate swaps. Clients execute interest rate swaps timely, fairly, and transparently using their automated market maker that increases liquidity and best execution. Strips expects to be the premier marketplace for fixed income trades moving from the historically inefficient decades-old interest rate trading system toward Strips’ DeFi blockchain platform. Strips look to solve this problem by building the first natively decentralized interest rate derivatives exchange on Ethereum. Mr. Harnell concludes the interview by informing viewers that Prism Networks remains on its weekly schedule on bridging more EVM (Ethereum Virtual Machine) networks.

New to The Street T.V. airs tonight, Monday, November 15, 2021, Host Jane King’s interviews with Mr. Dan Aptor, Head of Strategy and Marketing at Rego Payment Architectures, Inc. (OTCQB:RPMT) (“REGO”), and Don Codling, President, Codling Group International. Mr. Aptor explains the Company’s neo-bank and privacy-first fintech platform for commercial and individual online and in-store wallet applications. With over 70 million Generation ‘Z’ (GenZ) children now fully participating in digital commerce, secure identity management, data encryption, and financial literacy remain the key focus of Rego’s business model. Mr. Aptor explains to the viewers the Company’s child-safe digital wallet, Mazoola, a secure and private digital wallet app for both online and direct commerce. REGO and the Mazoola wallet continue as a COPPA (Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act) and E.U. GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) compliant product and service provider. Cybersecurity advisor to REGO, Mr. Don Codling, President, Codling Group International, explains data management of children’s information as a must during these times, whereas nefarious entities want to steal identities. Dan talks about how Mazoola wallet works and that the whole REGO mindset and business ethics focus on data privacy, encryption, and cybersecurity. Since REGO and its Mazoola wallet never collect sensitive data, parents can be confident children use the app’s functionality. Dan Aptor explains the difference between their mobile wallet app vs. competitors. Rego never collects data, doesn’t ask for addresses, shipping data, phone numbers, social security numbers, and photos, which becomes a primary target of the “Dark Web” data hackers. The interview concludes with Don Codling explaining that parents can go to the US FTC (Federal Trade Commission) website and pull down data on the children and explaining what parents need to do if fraud occurs. REGO’s unique platform makes it fun and teaches children financial literacy, and contains an encrypted digital footprint, a must in today’s fintech space.


New to The Street’s 266th T.V. show, airing tomorrow night, Tuesday, November 16, 10:30 PM PT, on the Fox Business Network, features the following FIVE (5) Companies and their businesses representatives:

1). Cryptocurrency Sportemon Go’s (CRYPTO:SGO) ($SGO) interview, Mr. Corey Jackson, Co-founder.

2). Cryptocurrency EQIFI’s (CRYPTO:EQX )($EQX) interview, Mr. Brad Yasar, CEO.

3). Cryptocurrency Pink Panda Holdings, Inc.’s (CRYPTO:PINKPANDA) ($PINKPANDANKPANDA) interview, Adam Carlton, Founder, and CEO.

4). Black Bird Biotech, Inc.’s (OTCPINK:BBBT) interviews, Mr. Fabian Deneault, President, and Mr. Rich Forbis, National Sales General Manager.

5). Sekur’s® (a division of GlobeX Data, Ltd) “SPECIAL SEGMENT – Weekly Hack” interview, internet privacy expert Mr. Alain Ghiai, CEO.

Airing again, tomorrow Tuesday, November 16, 2021, New to The Street T.V. Host Jane King’s in-studio NASDAQ interview with Mr. Corey Jackson, Co-founder, at cryptocurrency Company, Sportemon Go (CRYPTO:SGO) ($SGO). Mr. Jackson talks about the Company’s unique cryptocurrency, with a purpose to revolutionize both the interactive gaming, NFT collectible, and broader sport experience industries. He explains Sportemon Go’s stadium ecosystem, which combines both the physical and virtual fan experience. He updates viewers on its most recent corporate news and on hiring internationally acclaimed movie star Russell Crow as a spokesperson for the Company and the significance of his star power in giving the Company more brand awareness. With the increasing growth and popularity in NFTs, Mr. Jackson shows and explains to viewers the Company’s proprietary NFT wristband, which can securely hold all NFT purchases. With the increasing global acceptance in NFT collectibles with users finding, buying, hunting, and trading NFTs of their favorite sporting heroes, Mr. Jackson continues to see a strong future ahead for Sportemon Go.

New to The Street T.V. airs again tomorrow, Tuesday, November 16, 2021, T.V. Host Jane King’s interview with Mr. Brad Yasar, Chief Executive Officer at EQIFI (CRYPTO:EQX )($EQX). The viewers learn about EQIFI’s digital platform, which merges traditional banking with a DeFi (Decentralized Finance) alternative. He explains the difference and cumbersome method with conventional banking transactions and why EQIFI’s product led the DeFi industry. With blockchain and the EQX token, end-users see transparency, efficiencies, and timely financial transactions when using essential EQIFI products. With 4 main products, Fixed Rate Borrowing/Lending, Variable Rate Borrowing/Lending, Interest Rate Swaps, and Yield Aggregator, clients can expect confidence, comfort, and ease of use with their financial transactions. He recommends everyone create an account to get acquainted with the EQX token, take advantage of their 24/7 customer service, and start seeing and understanding how EQIFI’s DEFI platform performs. EQIFI users can get a Global Secured MasterCard, including a virtual card, for online transactions. The Company wants to change lives by providing appropriate and easy-to-use DeFi options to the masses, simplifying asset management, lending, borrowing, and making derivatives on crypto safe and easy.

On tomorrow’s Tuesday, November 16, 2021, New to The Street T.V. show, Adam Carlton, Founder and CEO, Pink Panda Holdings, Inc. (CRYPTO:PINKPANDA) ($PINKPANDA), appears with T.V. Host Jane King. Mr. Carlton provides details on the success of the Pink Panda token and its users’ DeFi access with ease. Users continue to download their app, and he talks about working with charities, creating a more extensive list of charity organizations that accept cryptocurrency. Mr. Carlton discussed the community-led focus, which provides end-users transparency and confidence on accessibility and use. The Company’s name is a hybrid as it pertains to cancer awareness and wildlife preservations. Pink Panda charges 10% of every transaction, with 5% going towards a liquidity pool and 5% redistributed to holders to reward investors and keep the charity wallet flowing. $PINKPANDA has an initial 5% charity wallet for donations and marketing and a 5% dev wallet for project financing. The future at Pink Panda is bright with its crypto conversion features, swap, and DeFi capabilities.

New to the Street T.V, tomorrow, November 16, 2021, interviews with Black Bird Biotech, Inc.’s (OTCPINK:BBBT), Mr. Fabian G. Deneault, President, and Mr. Rich Forbis, National Sales General Manager. Mr. Deneault provides in-depth, updated discussion with host Jane King about their Company’s products, MiteXstream, an EPA-registered plant-based non-poisonous biopesticide. He informed viewers that the Company successfully closed a Regulation ‘A’ financing for $1.5M, using the funds to be debt-free and the focus in 2021 in expanding the Company’s products’ markets. Recently hired as BBBT’s national sales manager, Rich explains his objective of getting the MiteXstream as a nationally recognized brand in cannabis and other agricultural products. Fabian explains the EPA certification process and how you go forward with that certification to get U.S. State approvals; currently, qualified for use in 31 states. Because MiteXstream contains no hazardous chemicals being a fruit grade and plant-based biopesticide, it appears that it remains harmless to bees and looks to eliminate bee mites that cause hive collapse. He explains that the Company continues testing to see if the MiteXstream product can solve beehive deaths. A product that controls or eliminates mites, molds, and mildews can assist in agricultural growers eliminating problems, increasing yields, and reducing cost; Rich looks forward to taking these proven facts about the MiteXstream and growing the commercial retail markets nationally. Mr. Deneault explains the COVID-19 challenges in supply chain distributions and how the Company handled its business throughout this pandemic.

Airing on New to the Street T.V., tomorrow November 16, 2021, the “WEEKLY HACK – SPECIAL SEGMENT. T.V. Host Ana Berry and internationally acclaimed internet privacy expert Mr. Alain Ghiai, CEO, Sekur®, a division of GlobeX Data, Ltd., talk about internet protection to take during the Holiday seasons. Alain gives tips to preventing “EVIL HACKERS” who want to steal your data and money. Shopping online continues to be consumers’ choice in making holiday purchases; look at the online site to see if a website begins with “https” in its domain address. If NOT, the website remains unlocked and vulnerable to a potential hack, DON’T shop on those sites. The lock symbol and related URL containing” https” mean that the connection between your web browser and the website server is encrypted. Alain’s other holiday tips, don’t leave your credit card information saved on any website, never use public WiFi, use your phone data plans and your phone’s hotspots in public, and never use the same passwords for apps and programs. Also, open-source text messaging apps like WhatsApp and Signal that use your phone number can be prime targets for being hacked anytime. Alain’s solution for year-round protection, including this holiday season, get Sekur® email and messenger for only $10.00 per month. You can subscribe with a discount promo code “SEKUR25” for 25% savings, a great holiday gift idea for yourselves and others. The Sekur product lines provide end-users with private texting and email for both the sender and the receiver, protecting those who are not a subscriber to Sekur.“What is your privacy worth this HOLIDAY SEASON?”

About Global Wellness Strategies, Inc. (OTCQB: PNNRF) (CSE: GWS) (Frankfurt:O3X4):

Global Wellness Strategies, Inc. (OTCQB: PNNRF) (CSE: GWS) (Frankfurt: O3X4) is a prospect generator that provides high-growth companies with financial, operational, and management assistance in the fast-growing market for wellness consumer products. The Company focuses on global wellness, psychedelics, mycology, hemp and CBD, healthcare-related target companies – https://globalwellnessstrategies.com/.

About Healixa, Inc. (OTCPINK:EMOR):

Healixa, Inc. (OTCPINK:EMOR), a people-first digital organization that humanizes care by deploying simplified solutions for complex global challenges, emphasizes developing ethically engineered, paradigm-shifting technologies that will profoundly and positively impact the world around us profoundly and positively. Healixa employs ethical engineering practices to marry code, compassion, and care to better the human experience across the globe. With a broad range of healing technologies, health tech, and fintech, Healixa combines these assets for specific elements of the Company’s products and apps. Healixa offers value-based tech solutions to enterprise partner channels across various industries, including employer telehealth, benefits, travel, pharmacy, logistics, and more – https://healixa.com/.

About Prism Networks (CRYPTO:PRISM) ($PRISM):

Prism Network (CRYPTO:PRISM) ($PRISM), a Universal DeFi servicing hub, uses a proprietary bridging and cross-chain infrastructure technology that provides services for projects on Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain, Polygon, TomoChain & xDAI via its cross-chain token PRISM. Prism Network gives developers and projects the tools, resources, and infrastructure to seamlessly integrate with any of these networks. Prism minters get 0.25% of all PRISM volume on every single network PRISM trades. – https://prismnetwork.io.

About REGO Payment Architectures, Inc. (OTCQB: RPMT):

REGO Payment Architectures, Inc. (OTCQB:RPMT) (“REGO”) is a digital solution that enables children to stay safe in today’s tech-first environment. The REGO Digital Wallet platform, MazoolaSM, allows parents and guardians to enable online shopping or digital spending at approved retailers, control what funds are available for which purchases, and reward children or pay allowance via the app. REGO is an innovative financial platform uniquely positioned due to its Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) and General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) compliance- www.regopayments.com.

About Sportemon Go (CRYPTO:SGO) ($SGO):

Sportemon Go (CRYPTO:SGO) ($SGO): was founded in 2021 by Ricky and Corey Jackson. With illustrious backgrounds in sports marketing and sporting software, the pair envisaged the creation of a platform to stand as a world premiere in NFT augmented reality sports trading. To revolutionize both the gaming and NFT collectible industries, Sportemon Go will enable its users to hunt and collect NFTs of their favorite sporting heroes in real-time. Users will interact at stadiums and sporting events like never before, creating the perfect synergy between the current world and the metaverse. Sportemon Go is funded solely through its cryptocurrency, a BEP20 token leveraging a smart contract on the Binance Blockchain network. This native cryptocurrency will power the entire economy within the platform allowing users to purchase NFT collectibles, form their ultimate team, participate in mini-games, earn rewards, and much more – https://sportemongo.com/.


EQIFI (CRYPTO EQX) ($EQX) builds a global DeFi gateway for you, delivering more products and services than any other platform and simplifying the complex world of DeFi. EQIFI is on a mission to become the gateway for everyone to the DeFi industry. Through blockchain technology, EQIFI has the opportunity to democratize financial products previously available to only the privileged few. EQIFI’s infrastructure is optimized for real-time digital interactions. It is at the forefront, embracing today’s ever-demanding culture of instant access for the evolution of digital banking and finance technologies – https://www.eqifi.com/.

About Pink Panda Holdings, Inc. (CRYPTO:PINKPANDA) ($PINKPANDA):

Pink Panda Holdings, Inc.’s  (CRYPTO:PINKPANDA) ($PINKPANDA) is a Delaware C-Corp, based in Chicago, Illinois. PinkPanda is creating a non-custodial, fully on-chain, mobile-first wallet and decentralized exchange (DEX) that will support up to 5x margin/leverage trading with a seamless, centralized exchange feel starting on the Binance Smart Chain. Their utility token for the PinkPanda Exchange, $PINKPANDA was launched on May 29. The community continues to grow through its applications on Android and iOSS.

About Black Bird Biotech, Inc. (OTCPINK:BBBT):

Black Bird Biotech, Inc. (OTCPINK:BBBT) positioned itself to exploit market segments with its powerful, re-imagined biotech products. Its EPA-registered biopesticide, MiteXstream™, eradicates spider mites – a destructive pest in cannabis, grapes, hops, coffee, strawberries, and other crops and eliminates molds and mildews. MiteXstream™ is a pesticide, but it is not a poison – it’s a pesticide re-imagined. The MiteXstream™ Edge uses the day of harvest without concern for residual “pesticide” violations, including in-state cannabis testing. MiteXstream™ is the foundational element of the Company that carries vast potential worldwide as a highly effective, safe, and highly cost-effective replacement for many traditional “poisonous” pesticides – https://blackbirdbiotech.com/.

About GlobeX Data, Ltd. (OTCQB: SWISF) (CSE: SWIS) (FRA: GDT):

GlobeX Data Ltd. (OTCQB: SWISF) (CSE: SWIS) (FRA: GDT) is a Cybersecurity and Internet Privacy provider of Swiss hosted solutions for secure communications and secure data management. The Company distributes a suite of secure messaging applications, encrypted emails, secure communications, and secure data management tools, using Swiss privacy laws, proprietary technology, and its independent platform, away from big techs hosting platforms. GlobeX Data Ltd. sells its products through its approved wholesalers and distributors, and telecommunications companies worldwide. GlobeX Data Ltd. serves consumers, businesses, and governments worldwide – https://www.globexdata.com. Sekur® is a Swiss secure communications application offering secure and private messaging, emails, voice messages, self-deleting messages, and file transfers from any mobile device, tablet, or desktop. Sekur users can communicate with Sekur and non-Sekur users through its unique Chat-By-Invites feature and Sekur, send email system. All data traffic stays in GlobeX Data’s Swiss-hosted servers, using its proprietary HeliX technology, military-grade encryption, and benefiting from Swiss Privacy Laws – https://sekur.com. Twitter: @globexdata.

About FMW Media:

FMW Media operates one of the longest-running U.S and International sponsored and Syndicated Nielsen Rated programming T.V. brands “New to The Street” and its blockchain show “Exploring The Block.” Since 2009, these brands have run biographical interview segment shows across major U.S. Television networks. The T.V. platforms reach over 540 million homes both in the U.S. and international markets. FMW recently added Newsmax to its broadcasting platform, with its first show broadcasted Sunday, December 27. The NEWSMAX New to The Street show airs its syndication on Sundays at 10 AM EST. FMW is also one of the nation’s largest buyers of linear Television long and short-form – https://www.newsmaxtv.com/Shows/New-to-the-Street & https://www.newtothestreet.com/.

Forward-Looking Statements Disclaimer:

This press release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. In some cases, you can identify forward-looking statements by the following words: “anticipate,” “believe,” “continue,” “could,” “estimate,” “expect,” “intend,” “may,” “ongoing,” “plan,” “potential,” “predict,” “project,” “should,” “will,” “would,” or the negative of these terms or other comparable terminology, although not all forward-looking statements contain these words. Forward-looking statements are not a guarantee of future performance or results and will not necessarily be accurate indications of the times at, or by, which such performance or results achieved. This press release should be considered in all filings of the Companies contained in the Edgar Archives of the Securities and Exchange Commission at www.sec.gov.

FMW Media Contact:
Bryan Johnson
+1 (631) 766-7462
[email protected]


“New to The Street” Business Development office
[email protected]

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