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Beijing Overseas Cultural Exchange Center Participated in the Live Broadcast of 2022 Online “Happy Spring Festival” Cultural Festival

BEIJING–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Under the global epidemic situation, in order to further promote overseas cultural exchanges, Beijing Culture and Tourism Bureau held the 2022 “Happy Spring Festival” cloud arts festival for Finland, Estonia, Greece, Canada and Belgium. From January 30th to February 2nd, the live broadcast will be staged in official website and social media platforms of Beijing Overseas Cultural Exchange Center, networks and social media of city TV stations in five countries. Moreover, it will be spread and pushed internationally in Beijing time, Visit Beijing and other platforms.

Wushu, dance, Beijing Opera and music performances with Chinese characteristics are splendid in the festival. The scenery of Beijing, the ice sculpture of the Year of the Tiger, the snow and ice, and the Winter Olympics are beautiful.

New interpretation of Chinese elements, boosting Guochao overseas

The dance “Fish Leaps the Dragon Gate, Step by Step” brought by the Dance Troupe of the Central National Song and Dance Troupe is lifelike, borrowing from the past and integrating the present. Lu Dian wrote “Shiyu, Piya” in the Song Dynasty: “If a fish crosses the dragon gate, it will become a dragon.” People use fish to jump the dragon gate, which means that they can work hard, have a successful career and realize their dreams.

The program “Niu Huan, Hu Yue” performed by the Central Conservatory of Music played on drums, which vividly showed the stubbornness of ox and the ferocity of tigers. People meet the ox and the tiger, full of vitality, and usher in the Year of the Tiger.

The martial arts performance Zuwuchengyun brought by Longyun Martial Arts Group uses Chinese fans as martial arts props. The combination of etiquette elements and sports is a tribute and expression of the Olympic spirit.

The Peking Opera song “Ode to Pear Blossoms” brought by Bai Jin, an artist of Beijing Peking Opera Theatre, has a tactful singing style, magnificent momentum and gorgeous artistic conception, and the unique Mei school singing style helps “Guochao” to publicize its style overseas.

New style of Beijing Winter Olympics, together with overseas sister cities to the future.

2022 Beijing Winter Olympics coincides with the Spring Festival. The fashionable ice and snow sports are interwoven with Chinese New Year folk customs and traditional culture. The song “Winter Olympics with Ice and Snow” composed for Beijing Winter Olympics combines the theme of Winter Olympics with the festive and peaceful atmosphere of the Spring Festival. Artists from the Central Conservatory of Music were specially invited to celebrate the Winter Olympics, and the theme songs of the Winter Olympics were adapted into folk music versions. The program was full of tenderness of ice and snow and enthusiasm for the New Year.

New challenges of intangible cultural heritage projects, “Tangrener” and “Tanghuaerer” vividly show the characteristics of sister cities.

Liu Binbin, the inheritor of intangible cultural heritage Beijing Tanghuaer, came to the scene to display his works on the zodiac, and at the invitation of the guests at the scene, improvised “Tangrener”. The boiling maltose kept turning in Liu Binbin’s hand, and instantly pulled out a long straw. He blew with his mouth, and the magical animal image was vividly displayed in front of him. In order to welcome the Spring Festival with overseas people, the inheritors produced Finnish cartoon image “Moomin”, Estonian cartoon image “Lottie”, Greek national treasure animal dolphin, Canadian maple leaf, etc. The intangible cultural heritage works are lively and full of Chinese flavor.

China exchanges new experiences, friends get together, people visit Beijing and enjoy the Winter Olympics.

The year 2022 coincides with the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Greece, and the China-Greece Cultural Tourism Year will be held continuously. The Greek version of “Happy Spring Festival” specially plans the New Year’s Eve dinner, inviting ancient Greek drama experts Luo Jinlin, Luo Tong’s father and daughter, Greek photographer George and his wife, Wang Hongling, head of Beijing Hebei Bangzi Troupe, and Wang Yaxun, artistic director of China Pingju Theatre, to gather together to celebrate the Chinese New Year and talk about China-Greece friendship.

Luo Tong and George also led the audience to visit Shichahai and Sanlitun to experience the unique charm of Beijing’s historical and cultural features and modern urban civilization. Visit the ancient culture shops in Yandai Xiejie Street, and the traditional Chinese crafts such as Tuye and paper fans are endowed with new ideas. Shichahai Ice rink is very popular, which shows the warm ice and snow sports atmosphere of Winter Olympic City. In Hutongli, people taste Beijing specialties such as Sugar-Coated Berry, Donkey Roll, Guanchang and barbecue. Sanlitun Taikooli’s various fashion brands, fashionable dresses and rich cultural and artistic activities highlight Beijing’s fashion vitality as an international metropolis.

To help the Winter Olympics, Luo Tong and George also introduced to the audience the theme exhibition of Winter Olympics images held in China Millennium Monument. The exhibition shows more than 20 precious photos taken by the famous photographer Albert Meyer at the first modern Olympic Games in 1896. These historical images came to China for the first time from Benaki Museum, Greece, and offered good wishes from the Olympic hometown for Beijing Winter Olympics and Paralympic Winter Games.

A new interpretation of Sino-Finnish music, playing Jasmine in the air.

In 2021, Beijing Design Week was successfully held, and the friendly city Helsinki was the guest city of this design week. Jasmine Flower, performed by Ida Elina, a famous Finnish female singer, composer and top performer of Cantler piano, made its debut in Beijing Design Week. She combined Chinese folk songs with Finnish musical instruments and became a unique artistic style of Sino-Finnish integration.

This Finnish version of Jasmine will also be presented in this online Finnish version of Happy Spring Festival. In response, the Central Conservatory of Music will perform Jasmine in the form of traditional folk music in the live broadcast, and artists from China and Finland will communicate with each other through music.

Schedule of broadcast and platform

Country: Canada / Broadcast time: January 30(th), 2022 (Sunday)

Live streaming platforms: Great Wall Platform (North America) TV Channel, Social Media Platform of Chinese Embassy in Canada

Country: Finland / Broadcast time: January 31(st), 2022 (Monday, New Year’s Eve)

Live streaming platforms: Helsinki Channel, Helsinki Chinese New Year Temple Fair official website and Social Media Platform, Helsinki Caesar Cultural Center Social Media Platform, Chinese Embassy in Finland Social Media Platform

Country: Greece / Broadcast time: January 31(st), 2022 (Monday, New Year’s Eve)

Live streaming platforms: Social Media Platform of Athens Cultural Center of China

Country: Greece / Broadcast time: February 3(rd), 2022 (Thursday, the third day)

Live streaming platforms: Beijing time, official website of Beijing Overseas Cultural Exchange Center and social media platform

Country: Belgium / Broadcast time: January 31(st), 2022 (Monday, New Year’s Eve)

Live streaming platforms: Social Media Platform of Chinese Embassy in Belgium

Country: Estonia / Broadcast time: February 1(st), 2022 (Tuesday, Spring Festival)

Live streaming platforms: The outdoor large screen of Tallinn Freedom Square, the social media platform of Tallinn Municipal Government, Culture and Sports Bureau, and the social media platform of Chinese Embassy in Estonia.

Country: domestic / Broadcast time: February 2(nd), 2022 (Wednesday, the second day)

Live streaming platforms: Beijing time, official website and social media platform of Beijing Overseas Cultural Exchange Center, Visit Beijing overseas social media platform, China Net, Central Video Mobile Network, Today Headline, Youku, Baidu, Sina Weibo, Sina News, iQiyi, Billie Billie, Tik Tok, Aauto Quicker, Beijing Time Video Account, etc.


Company Name: Beijing Overseas Cultural Exchanges Center

Contact Person: Jiawen Zhang

Email: [email protected]

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