IndiaMinistry of Finance

Monthly Review of Accounts of Union Government of India upto the month of December, 2020 for the Financial Year 2020-21

The Monthly Account of the Union Government of India upto the month of  December, 2020 has been consolidated and reports published. The highlights are given below:-

The Government of India has received ₹11,21,678 crore (50% of corresponding BE2020-21 of Total Receipts) uptoDecember, 2020 comprising of₹9,62,399 crore Tax Revenue (Net to Centre), ₹1,26,181crore of Non Tax Revenue and ₹33,098 crore of Non Debt Capital Receipts. Non Debt Capital Receipts consists of Recovery of Loans (₹14,202crore) and Disinvestment proceeds (₹18,896crore).₹3,71,640 crore has been transferred to State Governments as Devolution of Share of Taxes by Government of India uptoDecember 2020.

Total Expenditure incurred by Government of India is ₹22,80,147 crore (75% of corresponding BE 2020-21), out of which ₹19,71,173 crore is on Revenue Account and ₹3,08,974crore is on Capital Account. Out of the Total Revenue Expenditure, ₹4,72,171 crore is on account of Interest Payments and ₹2,27,352 crore is on account of Major Subsidies.

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