
Beyond Manufacturing: Stories of Women Championing Growth, Balance and Opportunity at Samsung’s Chennai Plant

Work friends like no other: Kotteeswari and Meenakshi D


At Samsung’s Chennai plant, women are at the heart of the company’s growth and success. They are not just assembling products – they are driving change, growth, and empowerment in an environment designed to foster balance and opportunity. From managing assembly lines to overseeing quality control, they are mastering technical skills, ensuring precision and nurturing a collaborative environment.


In a world where work-life balance often feels elusive, Samsung’s Chennai plant is a beacon of safety, support, and opportunity for employees. Here, they are nurtured, mentored, and empowered with the freedom to thrive, both professionally and personally. The plant has earned a stellar reputation for having a secure woman-friendly environment, offering everything from flexible work hours to in-house counseling, ensuring that each woman is cared for holistically — mind, body, and spirit.


Samsung understands that when a woman feels secure and empowered, her potential is limitless. The stories of Meenakshi D, Kotteeswari, and Lomawathi — three women who have not only found stable careers but also transformed their lives — are a testament to the plant’s unwavering commitment to nurturing diversity. This is a workplace where ambition is encouraged, support is readily available, and every woman has the space to dream big while balancing her family and personal passions. Their experiences speak to a company that truly believes in creating a safe, enriching environment where women can build lasting futures, full of pride and independence.


A Safe Start and Steady Growth

Meenakshi D’s 13-year journey at Samsung began with her father’s friend recommending the company for its safe and supportive environment, specifically for women. What began as a role on the production line evolved into a career spanning several divisions, with promotions to the Industrial Experience team and then into R&D. For Meenakshi D, Samsung’s workplace policies and culture provided a strong foundation to balance her home life with her career. “My father was right,” she recalls, “Samsung is the safest place to work, and more than that, it identifies and nurtures talent. I’ve grown here because the company invests in its employees.”


The company’s commitment to work-life balance, with policies such as day shifts for women, ensures a safe and flexible environment. “This allows me to spend time with my children and focus on their education, while excelling at work,” Meenakshi D says. Living with her joint family, including her husband, in-laws, and children, she appreciates how Samsung’s support has made it easier for her to navigate both worlds. “It’s not just a job. I’ve been given opportunities to grow, pass on my knowledge, and still have time for my passion—tailoring.”


Counsel, Care, and Career Advancement

Kotteeswari’s seven-year journey at Samsung has been equally fulfilling. Coming from a humble background, she found Samsung’s flexibility invaluable, especially with her husband in the police force and often away from home. Samsung’s provision of an in-house counselor for employees has been a critical support for her, both professionally and personally. “The counselor has helped me navigate tough situations at work and home. I feel empowered knowing I always have someone to talk to,” she says.


This support has allowed Kotteeswari to focus on her growth. From starting as a line worker, she moved to the finance team, and now thrives in the MECHA division. “Every opportunity I’ve received has broadened my knowledge and skillset. I love learning new things, and Samsung makes that possible,” she adds. Beyond professional development, Samsung’s generous leave policies were a blessing when she had her two children, ensuring she had time to rest, recover, and return stronger.


Lomawathi has spent 18 years at the Samsung Chennai Plant, a place she calls home

From Struggles to Success

For Lomawathi, who has spent 18 years at the Chennai plant, Samsung is a “happy place” that transformed her life. From a difficult financial background to becoming financially independent, she attributes her success to the opportunities at Samsung. Working in the Visual Display division, she has been able to provide her children with a good education and a stable future. “When I see kids enjoying watching TV, I feel proud knowing I helped create a product people love,” she says with a smile.


Her husband’s health crisis also highlighted the importance of Samsung’s comprehensive health insurance. “The company really stood by me during the health crisis. I could focus on my family without worrying about the financial strain,” she recalls. With the freedom Samsung provides, Lomawathi can fully immerse herself in her work without bringing it home, which allows her to support her children’s love for dancing and other activities.


A Workplace Where Women Thrive

Samsung’s Chennai plant exemplifies a workplace where women can excel in a safe and nurturing environment. From flexible hours and a strong support system to career growth opportunities across different divisions, the plant stands as a progressive, women-friendly workplace. Their journeys showcase how Samsung fosters talent and helps women achieve both professional success and personal fulfillment.


As Meenakshi D, Koteeshwari, and Lomawathi continue to inspire those around them, their stories highlight the incredible work Samsung is doing to foster a safe, inclusive, and empowering environment for women. In a world where many still struggle to find balance, Samsung has created a space where women can truly thrive.

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