Business Wire

Black and Jewish Leaders Unite in the Fight Against Racism, Hate and Antisemitism

MONTREAL & TORONTO–(BUSINESS WIRE)–To mark this International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, two of Canada’s most influential social justice advocacy organizations, the BlackNorth Initiative, and the Raoul Wallenberg Centre for Human Rights, have issued a call to Canadians to end racism and discrimination in all its forms.

“Racism has a long history in Canada,” said Wes Hall, Founder and CEO of the BlackNorth Initiative. “A systemic, structural, and pervasive force, it permeates all aspects of Canadian society and has a deeply negative impact on the daily lives of millions of Canadians. It reduces access to opportunities for full and rewarding employment, limits participation in our educational systems, and through unequal treatment in our justice systems, diminishes freedom and protection under the law. However, real change is possible.”

“Through the work of passionate, thoughtful and empathetic people, Canadians are awakening – they are starting to recognize the current state of racism in Canada, and they are demanding change,” said Hall. “But it requires a broad, united effort, which is why we are pleased to be joining forces with the Raoul Wallenberg Centre for Human Rights.”

“As Minister of Justice I launched the first ever Justice initiative against racism and hate,” said Professor Irwin Cotler, Founder, and International Chair of the Raoul Wallenberg Centre.

“This partnership embodies the essence of that initiative and the need to act against systemic racism, antisemitism and discrimination in all its manifestations. Our cause is strengthened by our solidarity together.”

“The Wallenberg Centre is pleased to join in common cause with Wes Hall and the BlackNorth Initiative,” said Jay Rosenzweig, who is both a Board Director at the BlackNorth Initiative and Board Chair of the Wallenberg Centre. “Under the leadership of Irwin Cotler, the Wallenberg Centre stands against discrimination of any kind. Anti-Semitism; Islamophobia; discrimination directed against Blacks or Asian-Canadians – all are repugnant and need to be rooted out,” he said.

Click here to read the joint statement issued by the BlackNorth Initiative, and the Raoul Wallenberg Centre for Human Rights.

About the BlackNorth Initiative

The BlackNorth Initiative was created by The Canadian Council of Business Leaders Against Anti-Black Systemic Racism to combat anti-Black systemic racism in Corporate Canada. The initiative challenges senior Canadian business leaders to commit their companies to specific actions and targets designed to end anti-Black systemic racism and create opportunities for all of those in the underrepresented BIPOC community.

About the Raoul Wallenberg Centre for Human Rights

Founded by the Honourable Irwin Cotler, the Raoul Wallenberg Centre for Human Rights is a unique consortium of parliamentarians, scholars, jurists, human rights defenders, NGOs, and students united in the pursuit of justice and inspired by the example of Raoul Wallenberg, who showed one person can make a difference.


For BlackNorth Initiative, please contact Geetika Kher, Hill+Knowlton Strategies, Phone: 416-413-4649. [email protected]

For Raoul Wallenberg Centre for Human Rights, please contact Brandon Golfman, Legal and Communications Associate: [email protected]

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