Business Wire

Choreful App: Equality-app launches in the UK

OSLO, Norway–(BUSINESS WIRE)— The app keeps track of who does what, and who does the most chores, says Robin Havre, the developer behind the app.

By keeping score, the aim is to make the distribution of domestic labour more fair.

– Women still do more than their fair share of the housework, and we hope this app can motivate couples to share the workload more fairly.

After having a huge success in Norway with more than 150 000 registered users, Havre and his team are now anxious to see how people in the UK will react to the app.

– We’re excited to see if Brits will use the app, and how they compare to us Norwegians in terms of equality in the home.

The app is called “”, and is available on Apple App Store, Google Play, or from

Created as a joke

The popular app was originally intended as a joke.

– I was sure I did way more chores than my girlfriend. She disagreed, and then I made the app for the two of us. It was meant as a joke.

But the joke quickly turned into a serious full-time project.

– A lot of our friends got interested, so we released it during the Christmas holidays for them to try it.

Four months later the app has more than 150 000 users, and the joke has turned into a full-time business.

Was wrong

– I built the app to prove that I did the most chores. But the numbers told a different story.

According to the statistics generated by the app, Havre only did 39% of the chores.

– I was certain that I did more than my fair share around the house. It turns our that I was wrong, and that she did a lot of work that I simply didn’t notice.

Now he hopes the app can motivate more couples to share the workload more fairly.

– Nobody wants to be a burden to their partner. Hopefully this app can be a positive contribution to make chores fun, and to make it easier to share the workload more fairly.



For questions or interviews, contact the founder

Robin Havre on [email protected] or by phone +4792089607.

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