

I. Keyhighlights:     September 2024 over September 2023) , based on General Indices and CFPIs are given as follows:   All India year-on-year inflation rates (%) based on CPI (General) and CFPI: September 2024 over September 2023   September 2024 (Prov.) August 2024 (Final) September2023 Rural Urban Combd. Rural Urban Combd. Rural Urban Combd. Inflation CPI (General) 5.87 5.05 5.49 4.16 3.14 3.65 5.33 4.65 5.02 CFPI 9.08 9.56 9.24 6.02 4.99 5.66 6.71 6.35 6.62 Index CPI (General) 196.7 191.4 194.2 195.4 190.3 193.0 185.8 182.2 184.1 CFPI 203.0 210.9 205.8 200.8 208.1 203.4 186.1 192.5 188.4 Notes: Prov.  – Provisional, Combd. – Combined   Monthly changes (%) in All India CPI (General) and CFPI: September 2024 over August 2024 Indices September 2024 (Prov.) August 2024 (Final) Monthly change (%) Rural Urban Combd. Rural Urban Combd. Rural Urban Combd. CPI (General) 196.7 191.4 194.2 195.4 190.3 193.0 0.67 0.58 0.62 CFPI 203.0 210.9 205.8 200.8 208.1 203.4 1.10 1.35 1.18                 Note: Figures of September 2024 are provisional.     ListofAnnex   Annex Title I All-India General, Group and Sub-group level CPI and CFPI numbers for August 2024 (Final) and September 2024 (Provisional) for Rural, Urban and Combined II All-India inflation rates (%) for General, Group and Sub-grouplevel CPI and CFPI numbers for September 2024 (Provisional) for Rural, Urban and Combined III General CPI for States for Rural, Urban and Combined for August 2024 (Final) and September 2024 (Provisional) IV Year-on-year inflation rates (%) of major States for Rural, Urban and Combined for September 2024 (Provisional)                                                                                                                                                                                                           Annex I All-India General, Group and Sub-group level CPI and CFPI numbers for August 2024 (Final) and September 2024 (Provisional) for Rural, Urban and Combined (Base: 2012=100)   Group Code Sub-group Code Description Rural Urban Combined Weights Aug 24 Index (Final) Sep. 24 Index (Prov.) Weights Aug 24 Index (Final) Sep. 24 Index (Prov.) Weights Aug 24 Index (Final) Sep. 24 Index (Prov.) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12)   1.1.01 Cereals and products 12.35 192.6 194.3 6.59 191.9 192.8 9.67 192.4 193.8   1.1.02 Meat and fish 4.38 220.1 220.2 2.73 229.2 229.5 3.61 223.3 223.5   1.1.03 Egg 0.49 188.0 190.2 0.36 190.7 195.2 0.43 189.0 192.1   1.1.04 Milk and products 7.72 186.2 186.6 5.33 187.1 187.6 6.61 186.5 187.0   1.1.05 Oils and fats 4.21 164.1 169.4 2.81 157.1 160.8 3.56 161.5 166.2   1.1.06 Fruits 2.88 186.1 188.1 2.90 197.5 195.1 2.89 191.4 191.4   1.1.07 Vegetables 7.46 245.0 251.0 4.41 291.2 306.4 6.04 260.7 269.8   1.1.08 Pulses and products 2.95 212.5 214.1 1.73 219.0 219.7 2.38 214.7 216.0   1.1.09 Sugar and Confectionery 1.70 130.7 131.0 0.97 132.8 132.9 1.36 131.4 131.6   1.1.10 Spices 3.11 229.6 229.6 1.79 225.0 224.7 2.50 228.1 228.0   1.2.11 Non-alcoholic beverages 1.37 183.8 184.7 1.13 172.8 173.3 1.26 179.2 179.9   1.1.12 Prepared meals, snacks, sweets etc. 5.56 198.5 198.9 5.54 208.3 209.3 5.55 203.0 203.7 1   Food and beverages 54.18 200.2 202.1 36.29 207.1 209.5 45.86 202.7 204.8 2   Pan, tobacco and intoxicants 3.26 206.8 206.9 1.36 213.1 213.3 2.38 208.5 208.6   3.1.01 Clothing 6.32 198.0 198.5 4.72 188.1 188.7 5.58 194.1 194.6   3.1.02 Footwear 1.04 192.3 192.4 0.85 174.2 174.7 0.95 184.8 185.0 3   Clothing and footwear 7.36 197.2 197.6 5.57 186.0 186.5 6.53 192.8 193.2 4   Housing – – – 21.67 181.1 181.1 10.07 181.1 181.1 5   Fuel and light 7.94 180.9 181.0 5.58 169.8 169.8 6.84 176.7 176.8   6.1.01 Household goods and services 3.75 184.9 185.2 3.87 176.4 177.0 3.80 180.9 181.3   6.1.02 Health 6.83 197.3 197.9 4.81 192.2 193.0 5.89 195.4 196.0   6.1.03 Transport and communication 7.60 176.1 176.3 9.73 165.3 165.4 8.59 170.4 170.6   6.1.04 Recreation and amusement 1.37 179.6 179.8 2.04 174.9 175.4 1.68 177.0 177.3   6.1.05 Education 3.46 191.7 191.6 5.62 186.5 187.4 4.46 188.7 189.1   6.1.06 Personal care and effects 4.25 199.1 201.4 3.47 201.0 203.4 3.89 199.9 202.2 6   Miscellaneous 27.26 188.3 189.0 29.53 180.1 180.8 28.32 184.3 185.0 General Index (All Groups) 100.00 195.4 196.7 100.00 190.3 191.4 100.00 193.0 194.2 Consumer Food Price Index (CFPI) 47.25 200.8 203.0 29.62 208.1 210.9 39.06 203.4 205.8 Notes: Annex II All-India year-on-year inflation rates (%) for General, Group and Sub-group level CPI and CFPI numbers for September 2024 (Provisional) for Rural, Urban and Combined (Base: 2012=100)   Group Code Sub-group Code Description Rural Urban Combined Sep.23 Index (Final) Sep. 24 Index (Prov.) Inflation Rate (%) Sep.23 Index (Final) Sep.24 Index (Prov.) Inflation Rate (%) Sep. 23 Index (Final) Sep. 24 Index (Prov.) Inflation Rate (%) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) 1.1.01 Cereals and products 181.4 194.3 7.11 181.3 192.8 6.34 181.4 193.8 6.84 1.1.02 Meat and fish 214.5 220.2 2.66 223.7 229.5 2.59 217.7 223.5 2.66 1.1.03 Egg 178.5 190.2 6.55 184.2 195.2 5.97 180.7 192.1 6.31 1.1.04 Milk and products 181.5 186.6 2.81 181.6 187.6 3.30 181.5 187.0 3.03 1.1.05 Oils and fats 164.5 169.4 2.98 158.3 160.8 1.58 162.2 166.2 2.47 1.1.06 Fruits 173.6 188.1 8.35 182.7 195.1 6.79 177.8 191.4 7.65 1.1.07 Vegetables 184.5 251.0 36.04 225.5 306.4 35.88 198.4 269.8 35.99 1.1.08 Pulses and products 195.0 214.1 9.79 200.1 219.7 9.80 196.7 216.0 9.81 1.1.09 Sugar and Confectionery 126.6 131.0 3.48 128.4 132.9 3.50 127.2 131.6 3.46 1.1.10 Spices 246.3 229.6 -6.78 236.0 224.7 -4.79 242.9 228.0 -6.13 1.2.11 Non-alcoholic beverages 180.5 184.7 2.33 168.2 173.3 3.03 175.4 179.9 2.57 1.1.12 Prepared meals, snacks, sweets etc. 193.2 198.9 2.95 200.7 209.3 4.29 196.7 203.7 3.56 1 Food and beverages 186.7 202.1 8.25 193.0 209.5 8.55 189.0 204.8 8.36 2 Pan, tobacco and intoxicants 202.2 206.9 2.32 207.2 213.3 2.94 203.5 208.6 2.51 3.1.01 Clothing 193.3 198.5 2.69 183.2 188.7 3.00 189.3 194.6 2.80 3.1.02 Footwear 189.4 192.4 1.58 170.2 174.7 2.64 181.4 185.0 1.98 3 Clothing and footwear 192.7 197.6 2.54 181.2 186.5 2.92 188.1 193.2 2.71 4 Housing – – – 176.2 181.1 2.78 176.2 181.1 2.78 5 Fuel and light 181.6 181.0 -0.33 175.5 169.8 -3.25 179.3 176.8 -1.39 6.1.01 Household goods and services 181.3 185.2 2.15 171.7 177.0 3.09 176.8 181.3 2.55 6.1.02 Health 190.4 197.9 3.94 184.9 193.0 4.38 188.3 196.0 4.09 6.1.03 Transport and communication 171.3 176.3 2.92 161.3 165.4 2.54 166.0 170.6 2.77 6.1.04 Recreation and amusement 175.9 179.8 2.22 171.2 175.4 2.45 173.3 177.3 2.31 6.1.05 Education 184.9 191.6 3.62 180.3 187.4 3.94 182.2 189.1 3.79 6.1.06 Personal care and effects 185.1 201.4 8.81 186.1 203.4 9.30 185.5 202.2 9.00 6 Miscellaneous 181.6 189.0 4.07 173.7 180.8 4.09 177.8 185.0 4.05 General Index (All Groups) 185.8 196.7 5.87 182.2 191.4 5.05 184.1 194.2 5.49 Consumer Food Price Index 186.1 203.0 9.08 192.5 210.9 9.56 188.4 205.8 9.24 Notes:   Annex III General CPI for States for Rural, Urban and Combined for August 2024 (Final) and September 2024 (Provisional) (Base: 2012=100)   Sl. No. Name of the State/UT Rural Urban Combined Weights August 24 Index (Final) Sep. 24 Index (Prov.) Weights August 24 Index (Final) Sep. 24 Index (Prov.) Weights August 24 Index (Final) Sep. 24 Index (Prov.) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) 1 Andhra Pradesh 5.40 196.6 198.1 3.64 197.2 198.7 4.58 196.8 198.3 2 Arunachal Pradesh 0.14 197.6 198.4 0.06 — — 0.10 197.6 198.4 3 Assam 2.63 197.1 197.7 0.79 193.2 193.9 1.77 196.3 196.9 4 Bihar 8.21 192.4 194.0 1.62 199.1 200.4 5.14 193.4 194.9 5 Chhattisgarh 1.68 188.3 189.9 1.22 183.5 185.2 1.46 186.4 188.1 6 Delhi 0.28 174.0 175.4 5.64 174.6 175.0 2.77 174.6 175.0 7 Goa 0.14 179.9 181.0 0.25 179.8 180.4 0.19 179.8 180.6 8 Gujarat 4.54 190.8 192.5 6.82 182.3 184.1 5.60 186.0 187.7 9 Haryana 3.30 198.1 200.1 3.35 185.2 186.3 3.32 192.1 193.6 10 Himachal Pradesh 1.03 181.0 181.5 0.26 184.9 186.5 0.67 181.7 182.4 11 Jharkhand 1.96 189.3 190.3 1.39 193.0 194.1 1.69 190.7 191.8 12 Karnataka 5.09 195.3 197.4 6.81 197.8 199.0 5.89 196.6 198.3 13 Kerala 5.50 199.1 200.3 3.46 196.2 196.3 4.55 198.1 198.9 14 Madhya Pradesh 4.93 192.4 194.1 3.97 193.9 195.1 4.48 193.0 194.5 15 Maharashtra 8.25 193.2 194.9 18.86 185.9 187.3 13.18 188.3 189.8 16 Manipur 0.23 225.4 230.3 0.12 188.3 191.2 0.18 213.7 217.9 17 Meghalaya 0.28 177.3 177.9 0.15 183.6 183.3 0.22 179.3 179.6 18 Mizoram 0.07 206.3 205.8 0.13 179.1 180.9 0.10 189.7 190.6 19 Nagaland 0.14 200.1 199.8 0.12 184.1 185.5 0.13 193.3 193.7 20 Odisha 2.93 201.7 201.0 1.31 191.3 191.0 2.18 198.8 198.2 21 Punjab 3.31 188.6 189.8 3.09 180.7 182.0 3.21 185.1 186.3 22 Rajasthan 6.63 191.5 192.9 4.23 191.0 191.7 5.51 191.3 192.5 23 Sikkim 0.06 202.3 203.5 0.03 189.1 190.0 0.05 198.0 199.1 24 Tamil Nadu 5.55 199.1 199.7 9.20 197.0 197.6 7.25 197.9 198.5 25 Telangana 3.16 205.2 207.5 4.41 198.7 201.2 3.74 201.6 204.0 26 Tripura 0.35 217.9 215.0 0.14 206.2 208.6 0.25 214.9 213.3 27 Uttar Pradesh 14.83 196.7 198.0 9.54 192.7 193.3 12.37 195.3 196.3 28 Uttarakhand 1.06 188.1 188.9 0.73 192.8 193.7 0.91 189.9 190.7 29 West Bengal 6.99 200.2 200.6 7.20 193.9 195.0 7.09 197.2 198.0 30 Andaman & Nicobar Islands 0.05 201.9 199.7 0.07 185.1 186.4 0.06 193.4 192.9 31 Chandigarh 0.02 190.8 191.9 0.34 179.5 179.5 0.17 180.1 180.2 32 Dadra & Nagar Haveli 0.02 183.3 182.8 0.04 188.7 189.8 0.03 186.9 187.5 33 Daman & Diu 0.02 195.5 200.0 0.02 188.5 188.7 0.02 192.6 195.3 34 Jammu & Kashmir* 1.14 201.7 202.6 0.72 197.5 197.8 0.94 200.2 200.9 35 Lakshadweep 0.01 202.4 201.9 0.01 182.3 180.1 0.01 192.1 190.8 36 Puducherry 0.08 203.0 203.9 0.27 195.5 196.1 0.17 197.4 198.1 All India 100.00 195.4 196.7 100.00 190.3 191.4 100.00 193.0 194.2 Notes: and Ladakh (erstwhile State of Jammu & Kashmir).   Annex IV   Year-on-year inflation rates (%) of major @ States for Rural, Urban and Combined for September 2024 (Provisional) (Base: 2012=100)   Sl. No. Name of the State/UT Rural Urban Combined Sep.23 Index (Final) Sep. 24 Index (Prov.) Inflation Rate (%) Sep.23 Index (Final) Sep. 24 Index (Prov.) Inflation Rate (%) Sep.23 Index (Final) Sep. 24 Index (Prov.) Inflation Rate (%) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) 1 Andhra Pradesh 188.9 198.1 4.87 190.0 198.7 4.58 189.3 198.3 4.75 2 Assam 188.4 197.7 4.94 185.5 193.9 4.53 187.8 196.9 4.85 3 Bihar 180.3 194.0 7.60 187.2 200.4 7.05 181.3 194.9 7.50 4 Chhattisgarh 175.9 189.9 7.96 174.2 185.2 6.31 175.2 188.1 7.36 5 Delhi 169.0 175.4 3.79 168.8 175.0 3.67 168.8 175.0 3.67 6 Gujarat 182.3 192.5 5.60 173.0 184.1 6.42 177.0 187.7 6.05 7 Haryana 187.5 200.1 6.72 176.4 186.3 5.61 182.3 193.6 6.20 8 Himachal Pradesh 173.4 181.5 4.67 178.7 186.5 4.36 174.4 182.4 4.59 9 Jharkhand 181.8 190.3 4.68 183.4 194.1 5.83 182.4 191.8 5.15 10 Karnataka 187.3 197.4 5.39 190.4 199.0 4.52 189.0 198.3 4.92 11 Kerala 189.1 200.3 5.92 187.3 196.3 4.81 188.5 198.9 5.52 12 Madhya Pradesh 182.1 194.1 6.59 185.8 195.1 5.01 183.6 194.5 5.94 13 Maharashtra 186.2 194.9 4.67 178.0 187.3 5.22 180.7 189.8 5.04 14 Odisha 187.8 201.0 7.03 181.5 191.0 5.23 186.0 198.2 6.56 15 Punjab 180.9 189.8 4.92 172.2 182.0 5.69 177.0 186.3 5.25 16 Rajasthan 183.0 192.9 5.41 182.3 191.7 5.16 182.8 192.5 5.31 17 Tamil Nadu 189.3 199.7 5.49 188.3 197.6 4.94 188.7 198.5 5.19 18 Telangana 198.6 207.5 4.48 192.8 201.2 4.36 195.4 204.0 4.40 19 Uttar Pradesh 184.1 198.0 7.55 183.6 193.3 5.28 183.9 196.3 6.74 20 Uttarakhand 181.2 188.9 4.25 183.9 193.7 5.33 182.2 190.7 4.67 21 West Bengal 192.6 200.6 4.15 186.8 195.0 4.39 189.9 198.0 4.27 22 Jammu & Kashmir* 191.6 202.6 5.74 190.7 197.8 3.72 191.3 200.9 5.02 All India 185.8 196.7 5.87 182.2 191.4 5.05 184.1 194.2 5.49 Notes: Click here to see pdf I. Keyhighlights:     September 2024 over September 2023) , based on General Indices and CFPIs are given as follows:   All India year-on-year inflation rates (%) based on CPI (General) and CFPI: September 2024 over September 2023   September 2024 (Prov.) August 2024 (Final) September2023 Rural Urban Combd. Rural Urban Combd. Rural Urban Combd. Inflation CPI (General) 5.87 5.05 5.49 4.16 3.14 3.65 5.33 4.65 5.02 CFPI 9.08 9.56 9.24 6.02 4.99 5.66 6.71 6.35 6.62 Index CPI (General) 196.7 191.4 194.2 195.4 190.3 193.0 185.8 182.2 184.1 CFPI 203.0 210.9 205.8 200.8 208.1 203.4 186.1 192.5 188.4 Notes: Prov.  – Provisional, Combd. – Combined   Monthly changes (%) in All India CPI (General) and CFPI: September 2024 over August 2024 Indices September 2024 (Prov.) August 2024 (Final) Monthly change (%) Rural Urban Combd. Rural Urban Combd. Rural Urban Combd. CPI (General) 196.7 191.4 194.2 195.4 190.3 193.0 0.67 0.58 0.62 CFPI 203.0 210.9 205.8 200.8 208.1 203.4 1.10 1.35 1.18                 Note: Figures of September 2024 are provisional.     ListofAnnex   Annex Title I All-India General, Group and Sub-group level CPI and CFPI numbers for August 2024 (Final) and September 2024 (Provisional) for Rural, Urban and Combined II All-India inflation rates (%) for General, Group and Sub-grouplevel CPI and CFPI numbers for September 2024 (Provisional) for Rural, Urban and Combined III General CPI for States for Rural, Urban and Combined for August 2024 (Final) and September 2024 (Provisional) IV Year-on-year inflation rates (%) of major States for Rural, Urban and Combined for September 2024 (Provisional)                                                                                                                                                                                                           Annex I All-India General, Group and Sub-group level CPI and CFPI numbers for August 2024 (Final) and September 2024 (Provisional) for Rural, Urban and Combined (Base: 2012=100)   Group Code Sub-group Code Description Rural Urban Combined Weights Aug 24 Index (Final) Sep. 24 Index (Prov.) Weights Aug 24 Index (Final) Sep. 24 Index (Prov.) Weights Aug 24 Index (Final) Sep. 24 Index (Prov.) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12)   1.1.01 Cereals and products 12.35 192.6 194.3 6.59 191.9 192.8 9.67 192.4 193.8   1.1.02 Meat and fish 4.38 220.1 220.2 2.73 229.2 229.5 3.61 223.3 223.5   1.1.03 Egg 0.49 188.0 190.2 0.36 190.7 195.2 0.43 189.0 192.1   1.1.04 Milk and products 7.72 186.2 186.6 5.33 187.1 187.6 6.61 186.5 187.0   1.1.05 Oils and fats 4.21 164.1 169.4 2.81 157.1 160.8 3.56 161.5 166.2   1.1.06 Fruits 2.88 186.1 188.1 2.90 197.5 195.1 2.89 191.4 191.4   1.1.07 Vegetables 7.46 245.0 251.0 4.41 291.2 306.4 6.04 260.7 269.8   1.1.08 Pulses and products 2.95 212.5 214.1 1.73 219.0 219.7 2.38 214.7 216.0   1.1.09 Sugar and Confectionery 1.70 130.7 131.0 0.97 132.8 132.9 1.36 131.4 131.6   1.1.10 Spices 3.11 229.6 229.6 1.79 225.0 224.7 2.50 228.1 228.0   1.2.11 Non-alcoholic beverages 1.37 183.8 184.7 1.13 172.8 173.3 1.26 179.2 179.9   1.1.12 Prepared meals, snacks, sweets etc. 5.56 198.5 198.9 5.54 208.3 209.3 5.55 203.0 203.7 1   Food and beverages 54.18 200.2 202.1 36.29 207.1 209.5 45.86 202.7 204.8 2   Pan, tobacco and intoxicants 3.26 206.8 206.9 1.36 213.1 213.3 2.38 208.5 208.6   3.1.01 Clothing 6.32 198.0 198.5 4.72 188.1 188.7 5.58 194.1 194.6   3.1.02 Footwear 1.04 192.3 192.4 0.85 174.2 174.7 0.95 184.8 185.0 3   Clothing and footwear 7.36 197.2 197.6 5.57 186.0 186.5 6.53 192.8 193.2 4   Housing – – – 21.67 181.1 181.1 10.07 181.1 181.1 5   Fuel and light 7.94 180.9 181.0 5.58 169.8 169.8 6.84 176.7 176.8   6.1.01 Household goods and services 3.75 184.9 185.2 3.87 176.4 177.0 3.80 180.9 181.3   6.1.02 Health 6.83 197.3 197.9 4.81 192.2 193.0 5.89 195.4 196.0   6.1.03 Transport and communication 7.60 176.1 176.3 9.73 165.3 165.4 8.59 170.4 170.6   6.1.04 Recreation and amusement 1.37 179.6 179.8 2.04 174.9 175.4 1.68 177.0 177.3   6.1.05 Education 3.46 191.7 191.6 5.62 186.5 187.4 4.46 188.7 189.1   6.1.06 Personal care and effects 4.25 199.1 201.4 3.47 201.0 203.4 3.89 199.9 202.2 6   Miscellaneous 27.26 188.3 189.0 29.53 180.1 180.8 28.32 184.3 185.0 General Index (All Groups) 100.00 195.4 196.7 100.00 190.3 191.4 100.00 193.0 194.2 Consumer Food Price Index (CFPI) 47.25 200.8 203.0 29.62 208.1 210.9 39.06 203.4 205.8 Notes: Annex II All-India year-on-year inflation rates (%) for General, Group and Sub-group level CPI and CFPI numbers for September 2024 (Provisional) for Rural, Urban and Combined (Base: 2012=100)   Group Code Sub-group Code Description Rural Urban Combined Sep.23 Index (Final) Sep. 24 Index (Prov.) Inflation Rate (%) Sep.23 Index (Final) Sep.24 Index (Prov.) Inflation Rate (%) Sep. 23 Index (Final) Sep. 24 Index (Prov.) Inflation Rate (%) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) 1.1.01 Cereals and products 181.4 194.3 7.11 181.3 192.8 6.34 181.4 193.8 6.84 1.1.02 Meat and fish 214.5 220.2 2.66 223.7 229.5 2.59 217.7 223.5 2.66 1.1.03 Egg 178.5 190.2 6.55 184.2 195.2 5.97 180.7 192.1 6.31 1.1.04 Milk and products 181.5 186.6 2.81 181.6 187.6 3.30 181.5 187.0 3.03 1.1.05 Oils and fats 164.5 169.4 2.98 158.3 160.8 1.58 162.2 166.2 2.47 1.1.06 Fruits 173.6 188.1 8.35 182.7 195.1 6.79 177.8 191.4 7.65 1.1.07 Vegetables 184.5 251.0 36.04 225.5 306.4 35.88 198.4 269.8 35.99 1.1.08 Pulses and products 195.0 214.1 9.79 200.1 219.7 9.80 196.7 216.0 9.81 1.1.09 Sugar and Confectionery 126.6 131.0 3.48 128.4 132.9 3.50 127.2 131.6 3.46 1.1.10 Spices 246.3 229.6 -6.78 236.0 224.7 -4.79 242.9 228.0 -6.13 1.2.11 Non-alcoholic beverages 180.5 184.7 2.33 168.2 173.3 3.03 175.4 179.9 2.57 1.1.12 Prepared meals, snacks, sweets etc. 193.2 198.9 2.95 200.7 209.3 4.29 196.7 203.7 3.56 1 Food and beverages 186.7 202.1 8.25 193.0 209.5 8.55 189.0 204.8 8.36 2 Pan, tobacco and intoxicants 202.2 206.9 2.32 207.2 213.3 2.94 203.5 208.6 2.51 3.1.01 Clothing 193.3 198.5 2.69 183.2 188.7 3.00 189.3 194.6 2.80 3.1.02 Footwear 189.4 192.4 1.58 170.2 174.7 2.64 181.4 185.0 1.98 3 Clothing and footwear 192.7 197.6 2.54 181.2 186.5 2.92 188.1 193.2 2.71 4 Housing – – – 176.2 181.1 2.78 176.2 181.1 2.78 5 Fuel and light 181.6 181.0 -0.33 175.5 169.8 -3.25 179.3 176.8 -1.39 6.1.01 Household goods and services 181.3 185.2 2.15 171.7 177.0 3.09 176.8 181.3 2.55 6.1.02 Health 190.4 197.9 3.94 184.9 193.0 4.38 188.3 196.0 4.09 6.1.03 Transport and communication 171.3 176.3 2.92 161.3 165.4 2.54 166.0 170.6 2.77 6.1.04 Recreation and amusement 175.9 179.8 2.22 171.2 175.4 2.45 173.3 177.3 2.31 6.1.05 Education 184.9 191.6 3.62 180.3 187.4 3.94 182.2 189.1 3.79 6.1.06 Personal care and effects 185.1 201.4 8.81 186.1 203.4 9.30 185.5 202.2 9.00 6 Miscellaneous 181.6 189.0 4.07 173.7 180.8 4.09 177.8 185.0 4.05 General Index (All Groups) 185.8 196.7 5.87 182.2 191.4 5.05 184.1 194.2 5.49 Consumer Food Price Index 186.1 203.0 9.08 192.5 210.9 9.56 188.4 205.8 9.24 Notes:   Annex III General CPI for States for Rural, Urban and Combined for August 2024 (Final) and September 2024 (Provisional) (Base: 2012=100)   Sl. No. Name of the State/UT Rural Urban Combined Weights August 24 Index (Final) Sep. 24 Index (Prov.) Weights August 24 Index (Final) Sep. 24 Index (Prov.) Weights August 24 Index (Final) Sep. 24 Index (Prov.) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) 1 Andhra Pradesh 5.40 196.6 198.1 3.64 197.2 198.7 4.58 196.8 198.3 2 Arunachal Pradesh 0.14 197.6 198.4 0.06 — — 0.10 197.6 198.4 3 Assam 2.63 197.1 197.7 0.79 193.2 193.9 1.77 196.3 196.9 4 Bihar 8.21 192.4 194.0 1.62 199.1 200.4 5.14 193.4 194.9 5 Chhattisgarh 1.68 188.3 189.9 1.22 183.5 185.2 1.46 186.4 188.1 6 Delhi 0.28 174.0 175.4 5.64 174.6 175.0 2.77 174.6 175.0 7 Goa 0.14 179.9 181.0 0.25 179.8 180.4 0.19 179.8 180.6 8 Gujarat 4.54 190.8 192.5 6.82 182.3 184.1 5.60 186.0 187.7 9 Haryana 3.30 198.1 200.1 3.35 185.2 186.3 3.32 192.1 193.6 10 Himachal Pradesh 1.03 181.0 181.5 0.26 184.9 186.5 0.67 181.7 182.4 11 Jharkhand 1.96 189.3 190.3 1.39 193.0 194.1 1.69 190.7 191.8 12 Karnataka 5.09 195.3 197.4 6.81 197.8 199.0 5.89 196.6 198.3 13 Kerala 5.50 199.1 200.3 3.46 196.2 196.3 4.55 198.1 198.9 14 Madhya Pradesh 4.93 192.4 194.1 3.97 193.9 195.1 4.48 193.0 194.5 15 Maharashtra 8.25 193.2 194.9 18.86 185.9 187.3 13.18 188.3 189.8 16 Manipur 0.23 225.4 230.3 0.12 188.3 191.2 0.18 213.7 217.9 17 Meghalaya 0.28 177.3 177.9 0.15 183.6 183.3 0.22 179.3 179.6 18 Mizoram 0.07 206.3 205.8 0.13 179.1 180.9 0.10 189.7 190.6 19 Nagaland 0.14 200.1 199.8 0.12 184.1 185.5 0.13 193.3 193.7 20 Odisha 2.93 201.7 201.0 1.31 191.3 191.0 2.18 198.8 198.2 21 Punjab 3.31 188.6 189.8 3.09 180.7 182.0 3.21 185.1 186.3 22 Rajasthan 6.63 191.5 192.9 4.23 191.0 191.7 5.51 191.3 192.5 23 Sikkim 0.06 202.3 203.5 0.03 189.1 190.0 0.05 198.0 199.1 24 Tamil Nadu 5.55 199.1 199.7 9.20 197.0 197.6 7.25 197.9 198.5 25 Telangana 3.16 205.2 207.5 4.41 198.7 201.2 3.74 201.6 204.0 26 Tripura 0.35 217.9 215.0 0.14 206.2 208.6 0.25 214.9 213.3 27 Uttar Pradesh 14.83 196.7 198.0 9.54 192.7 193.3 12.37 195.3 196.3 28 Uttarakhand 1.06 188.1 188.9 0.73 192.8 193.7 0.91 189.9 190.7 29 West Bengal 6.99 200.2 200.6 7.20 193.9 195.0 7.09 197.2 198.0 30 Andaman & Nicobar Islands 0.05 201.9 199.7 0.07 185.1 186.4 0.06 193.4 192.9 31 Chandigarh 0.02 190.8 191.9 0.34 179.5 179.5 0.17 180.1 180.2 32 Dadra & Nagar Haveli 0.02 183.3 182.8 0.04 188.7 189.8 0.03 186.9 187.5 33 Daman & Diu 0.02 195.5 200.0 0.02 188.5 188.7 0.02 192.6 195.3 34 Jammu & Kashmir* 1.14 201.7 202.6 0.72 197.5 197.8 0.94 200.2 200.9 35 Lakshadweep 0.01 202.4 201.9 0.01 182.3 180.1 0.01 192.1 190.8 36 Puducherry 0.08 203.0 203.9 0.27 195.5 196.1 0.17 197.4 198.1 All India 100.00 195.4 196.7 100.00 190.3 191.4 100.00 193.0 194.2 Notes: and Ladakh (erstwhile State of Jammu & Kashmir).   Annex IV   Year-on-year inflation rates (%) of major @ States for Rural, Urban and Combined for September 2024 (Provisional) (Base: 2012=100)   Sl. No. Name of the State/UT Rural Urban Combined Sep.23 Index (Final) Sep. 24 Index (Prov.) Inflation Rate (%) Sep.23 Index (Final) Sep. 24 Index (Prov.) Inflation Rate (%) Sep.23 Index (Final) Sep. 24 Index (Prov.) Inflation Rate (%) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) 1 Andhra Pradesh 188.9 198.1 4.87 190.0 198.7 4.58 189.3 198.3 4.75 2 Assam 188.4 197.7 4.94 185.5 193.9 4.53 187.8 196.9 4.85 3 Bihar 180.3 194.0 7.60 187.2 200.4 7.05 181.3 194.9 7.50 4 Chhattisgarh 175.9 189.9 7.96 174.2 185.2 6.31 175.2 188.1 7.36 5 Delhi 169.0 175.4 3.79 168.8 175.0 3.67 168.8 175.0 3.67 6 Gujarat 182.3 192.5 5.60 173.0 184.1 6.42 177.0 187.7 6.05 7 Haryana 187.5 200.1 6.72 176.4 186.3 5.61 182.3 193.6 6.20 8 Himachal Pradesh 173.4 181.5 4.67 178.7 186.5 4.36 174.4 182.4 4.59 9 Jharkhand 181.8 190.3 4.68 183.4 194.1 5.83 182.4 191.8 5.15 10 Karnataka 187.3 197.4 5.39 190.4 199.0 4.52 189.0 198.3 4.92 11 Kerala 189.1 200.3 5.92 187.3 196.3 4.81 188.5 198.9 5.52 12 Madhya Pradesh 182.1 194.1 6.59 185.8 195.1 5.01 183.6 194.5 5.94 13 Maharashtra 186.2 194.9 4.67 178.0 187.3 5.22 180.7 189.8 5.04 14 Odisha 187.8 201.0 7.03 181.5 191.0 5.23 186.0 198.2 6.56 15 Punjab 180.9 189.8 4.92 172.2 182.0 5.69 177.0 186.3 5.25 16 Rajasthan 183.0 192.9 5.41 182.3 191.7 5.16 182.8 192.5 5.31 17 Tamil Nadu 189.3 199.7 5.49 188.3 197.6 4.94 188.7 198.5 5.19 18 Telangana 198.6 207.5 4.48 192.8 201.2 4.36 195.4 204.0 4.40 19 Uttar Pradesh 184.1 198.0 7.55 183.6 193.3 5.28 183.9 196.3 6.74 20 Uttarakhand 181.2 188.9 4.25 183.9 193.7 5.33 182.2 190.7 4.67 21 West Bengal 192.6 200.6 4.15 186.8 195.0 4.39 189.9 198.0 4.27 22 Jammu & Kashmir* 191.6 202.6 5.74 190.7 197.8 3.72 191.3 200.9 5.02 All India 185.8 196.7 5.87 182.2 191.4 5.05 184.1 194.2 5.49 Notes: Click here to see pdf

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