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Eight Republicans are running for Texas land commissioner

(The Center Square) – Eight Republicans are running for commissioner of the Texas General Land Office, the oldest agency in Texas. It manages over $16 billion in the Public School Fund, more than 13 million acres of Texas public lands, billions of dollars worth of hurricane relief efforts, a range of veterans services, and Texas historic sites, including the Alamo.

It’s former commissioner, George P. Bush, is running for attorney general.

The top two candidates, who’ve been endorsed by Republican heavyweights, are doctors: state Sen. Dr. Dawn Buckingham and Dr. Jon Spiers.

State Sen. Buckingham made history in 2016 by becoming the first Republican elected to the state Senate from Travis County and the first woman ever elected to represent Senate District 24. In 2017, she was named the “Co-Most Valuable” freshman in the state Senate. She’s been endorsed by President Donald Trump, U.S. Sens. Ted Cruz and John Cornyn, former Gov. Rick Perry and Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick.

She says she’s “the only candidate for this office that has a proven record.” As a residential, commercial and agricultural landowner, she has experience in many types of land management. She vows to fight against eminent domain, an issue over which the Bush administration was sued.

Her top three issues are illegal immigration/border security, preserving Texas history, and better managing hurricane and other disaster recovery. She plans to identify all available state lands that could be used for a state border wall and then work with other officials to begin construction as soon as practicable.

“There will be no reimagining of the Alamo or our rich Texas history on my watch,” she said, referring to attempts made by Bush that resulted in multiple lawsuits and public outcry.

Trump said she was one of his very first Texas supporters, “is highly respected, and is someone who can always be counted on to do the right thing for her State.”

Spiers, who’s been endorsed by one of the largest and most influential conservative grassroots organizations in Texas, said he’s “not a politician. He is a leader.” A heart surgeon, attorney, Army Reserve surgeon, and entrepreneur, he said he’s “a product of the American Dream.”

His platform includes restoring Texans’ confidence in the GLO, securing the border, strengthening the energy industry, water and property rights, improving veterans’ benefits, the GLO’s disaster recovery response, preserving the Alamo, among others.

JoAnn Fleming, director of Grassroots America-We The People PAC, said Spiers is “adamant that Texas must be protected from China and is concerned about their real estate purchases. He’s used his legal and medical expertise to build companies in Texas, including a biomedical plant to create jobs and secure our future from China and other foreign suppliers.”

The GLO’s “reputation has been severely tarnished in recent years,” she added. “Contributions to the Permanent School Fund have declined precipitously, putting pressure on school funding; the Alamo Project has suffered from flawed concepts and lack of fiscal transparency; state and private lands are being threatened by the federal 30 x 30 plan; delays in responding to and distributing funding after hurricanes caused human suffering; and, sadly, services to our veterans administered by the GLO are deteriorating.”

“Texas veterans homes overseen by George P. Bush were often the deadliest places to be during COVID-19 pandemic,” The Texas Tribune reported.

Last year, Harris County, which suffered the greatest damage from Hurricane Harvey in 2017, received zero of the roughly $1 billion it requested from the GLO in flood mitigation funds. Bush received widespread criticism; he initially blamed the Biden administration, and later, $750 million was ultimately distributed to Harris County.

The consequences of Bush-era policies, and an open seat, prompted multiple candidates to run. They also include Ben Armenta, Victor Avila, Rufus Lopez, Weston Martinez, Don Minton and Tim Westley.

Ben Armenta, managing principal at a leading Houston innovation firm with extensive experience in business and the oil and gas industry, says his skill sets and experience best enables him to run the GLO. He pledges to preserve the Alamo, ensure that Critical Race Theory won’t be taught in Texas schools, and to better manage the veteran’s homes under GLO’s supervision. Under Bush, twice the number of veterans in GLO-managed homes died from COVID-19 than those living in other retirement facilities, he says.

Victor Avila, a retired supervisory special agent with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, with a long career in law enforcement and diplomacy, is also running. He’s received numerous awards and accommodations from law enforcement organizations, and is experienced in conducting international complex criminal investigations. His platform includes securing the Texas border, defunding CRT, energy independence, protecting the Alamo, honoring Texas veterans, better managing hurricane recovery funds, among others.

Rufus Lopez, who’s also running, doesn’t have a campaign website. According to a Conservative Coalition of Harris County questionnaire, he’s a residential real estate attorney who serves as a hearing examiner for the Texas Education Agency, and has had a long, varied career. His top three priorities are encouraging and promoting oil and gas development on Texas public lands, increasing services to veterans and preserving historic Texas sites.

Weston Martinez, an arbitrator, former government affairs strategist, VP of business development and Texas Real Estate Commissioner, is also running. His platform includes saving the Alamo, building the wall, protecting elections, and managing investments to provide benefits for Texas veterans and securing the future of education. He’s endorsed by Conservative Republicans of Texas’ leader Dr. Steve Hotze, Trump advisor Roger Stone, Sheriff Joe Arpaio, and several others.

Don Minton, a West Point graduate and Army veteran, former El Paso criminal district court judge, and acting chief financial officer for a mineral extraction company, is also running. His platform includes prioritizing Texas veterans, better managing Texas public lands, improving natural disaster recovery efforts, Texas education and oversight of the Alamo.

The Dallas Morning News endorsed him, saying, he’s “offered the clearest and best approach to preserving the story of Texas liberty, protecting our historic treasure and balancing the historical narrative for future generations.”

Tim Westley, PhD., an Army veteran, former pastor, educator, Republican Party of Texas historian, and two-time Republican Congressional nominee, is also running. His priorities include finishing the wall, stopping China from “buying unlimited land” in Texas, defunding CRT, restoring Texas water, energy independence, job creation, an American First agenda, combatting illegal immigration, preserving Texas monuments, and protecting Texas history.

Disclaimer: This content is distributed by The Center Square

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