Moody’s Analytics Wins Best AI Technology Initiative for QUIQspread™
New York, United States:
Moody’s Analytics has won Best AI Technology Initiative at the 2020 American Financial Technology Awards. We earned this award for our QUIQspread™ solution, which helps financial institutions automate the spreading of financial statements.
Every bank has its own unique lending criteria. But all banks start the loan origination review process by gathering and standardizing the loan recipient’s financial records, a process known as financial spreading. The QUIQspread tool—available globally and built for scalability as a software-as-a-service solution—uses a combination of artificial intelligence and machine learning to make the financial spreading process more efficient, accurate, consistent, and traceable.
Moody’s Analytics financial spreading expertise and vast data resources are the tool’s foundation. The QUIQspread solution is trained on the financials of more than 22 million private firms. Its machine learning capabilities mean the more financial spreads it runs, the smarter it becomes, the less time and resources it requires, and the better decisions it enables.
“The pandemic has made it more important—and challenging—for firms to efficiently manage their human and financial resources. The cost and time savings generated by the QUIQspread tool, made possible by artificial intelligence and machine learning technologies, are game-changing,” said Eric Grandeo, Senior Director at Moody’s Analytics. “We’re honored to win this award, which reflects the exceptional value we’re bringing to our clients’ operations.”
The QUIQspread solution also won Best Decision Management Solution at the 2020 AI Breakthrough Awards and Best Financial Services AI Solution at the 2019 Artificial Intelligence Awards. These wins add to the growing industry recognition for Moody’s Analytics.
Learn more about the American Financial Technology Awards, where Moody’s Analytics also won Best Middle-Office Initiative.
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