United States

Op-Ed: A vote for Biden is a vote for President Harris

“We will work together, and continue to work together, to address these issues, to work together as we continue to work, operating from the new norms, rules, and agreements.” – Kamala Harris

It used to be commonplace to read an article about the vice presidency and the contempt that vice presidents themselves have heaped on the office – starting with the very first, John Adams. He told colleagues, “My country has in its wisdom contrived for me the most insignificant office that ever the invention of man contrived or his imagination conceived. That’s the office of vice president.”

John Nance Garner III, known among his contemporaries as “Cactus Jack,” served as the speaker of the House of Representatives from 1931 to 1933 and as the 32nd vice president under Franklin D. Roosevelt from 1933 to 1941. He told reporters that the office of the vice president was “Not worth a bucket of warm pee.” Harry Truman said that it is “About as useful as a cow’s fifth teat.”

In 1965, when Humphrey gave Johnson advice about escalating the Vietnam War, he was banished into oblivion. LBJ showed his contempt for his vice president, “Hubert is as useless as cow s**t.”

Trying to cover up a Joe Biden gaffe, Barack Obama said, “You can count on Joe to f***k things up.”

“Taking this job was the worst damn fool mistake I ever made.” – John Garner III, VP, FDR 1934

Vice presidents can be chosen to enhance a presidential ticket or bring in votes from other states. Sometimes, it’s a favorite son or daughter of the party elites. But Joe Biden’s was chosen for him. The DNC party machine said he needed a Black woman as a running mate if he wanted to run.

The vice presidency is considered a booby prize. It is such an insignificant office that Huntington, Indiana, birthplace of vice president Dan Quayle is home of the nation’s only museum devoted to the accomplishments of our VPs. If you are looking for it, its inside the Christian Science Church.

“If there is water, that means there is oxygen. If oxygen, that means we can breathe.” – Dan Quayle

Until Kamala Harris was elected vice president, this was the most marginalized office in politics.

But with the left and media running cover for her “faux pas” and indiscrete complaints about her not being recognized as the first woman of color to hold the office, Harris has gained name recognition for being outspoken with her blunders, gripes and giggles and claims she is ready to be president.

A Morning Consult poll revealed voter’s concerns over Joe Biden’s age, and they doubt that VP Harris has the ability to assume his roll. The poll shows Biden and Harris have identical ratings at 43% favorable and 54% disapproval. Voters say Harris lacks leadership skills and knows very little about foreign or domestic policy. Voters claim she is only known as a spokesperson for abortion.

The jury has been in since Harris first took office. She has failed at every job Biden has given her.

After only one year in the Senate, she was not prepared to move into the East Wing. Yet today, she is one heartbeat away from the presidency! That is the most salient issue this election.

“We’ve got to take this stuff seriously, as seriously as you are, you have to take this seriously.” – Kamala Harris

Harris proved that she knows little about foreign policy and makes our allies cringe every time she opens her mouth. On a trip to Central America, she alienated both the president of Mexico and of Guatemala saying that, “People are fleeing to America because you have corrupt governments.”

Harris’ one domestic policy issue is abortion. She says this is a woman’s right and a fetus has no rights.

“Every office I’ve run for I’ve won. And I’ve been the first woman of color to win it.” – Kamala Harris

The Special Operations Association of America – which represents Air Force Commandos, Army Rangers, Green Berets, Navy Seals, Marine Raiders, and other special operators – just released a report that America is currently at an extremely high risk for a major Islamic terrorist attack today because of the massive blunders in foreign and border policies by the Biden-Harris administration.

They claim Biden’s botched withdrawal from Afghanistan was a major contributor to the high-threat environment. Chairman Christopher Miller, former Secretary of Defense, said that he was “gravely concerned by the current heightened risk of attacks against targets in the U.S. and allied interests abroad. We’re concerned since we brought this upon ourselves. Its the highest risk since 9/11!”

The report pointed out America has lost significant intelligence collection capabilities since Biden took office. Federal authorities are blind and deaf to potential terrorist attacks from the Mideast. When Biden allowed the reestablishment of former terrorist training camps in Afghanistan, this led to deadly attacks by the Islamic State throughout the region! He has now put the U.S. at high risk.

Miller said this risk is compounded by our porous, unsecured southern border, where we’ve seen numerous people on terrorist watch-lists and others from adversarial countries enter the U.S. He continued, “These are the ones we know about. We do not know how many other terrorists are inside our borders since Joe Biden told Border Control let everyone in who is seeking asylum.”

The world has been driven into political chaos due to Biden’s lackluster foreign policy. Biden has lost his way on national security. He has cut the budgets for defense and Homeland Security every year even though we have record high inflation. Our nation’s defense is the weakest it’s ever been.

Open borders where illegals can cross with relative impunity invite criminal activity into the U.S.. Biden’s decision to open our southern border has allowed a massive influx of illegal immigrants, drug dealers, human traffickers and suspected terrorists to freely enter and roam the U.S. Border Patrol agents report border arrests are at an all time high and without a change in policy there’s no end in sight.

Phil McGraw said, “Sometime a wrong decision can never be made right.” This is a critical election for the future of America. We have moved so far left it’s going to be difficult to get back to the center right. We’ve had a progressive regime that’s expanded government illegally to satisfy their motley crew of integrants. We must elect someone who will reestablish constitutional law and order.

“I believe in that old adage that as it goes in California, so goes the country. If I were to become president, it would be my goal to make that adage a reality for America.” – Kamala Harris

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