United States

Op-Ed: Biden’s biggest broken promise was to America

“Ya know, I mean to say, well, why can’t we all just get, along?” – Rodney King, Los Angeles, 1992

When constituents don’t find value in a politician’s agenda, they elect someone else. That’s why so many want-to-be leaders end up on the outside looking in each election. They say the things “they think voters want to hear” and lose anyway. Others surmise their talking points in a few words, like “change you can believe in” or “make America great again” and win. And it is those who promise “something for everyone,” even if they didn’t vote for them, voters should run and hide from them.

We’ve only had two presidents who were patriots, not politicians: George Washington and Donald Trump. Since Democrats hate to lose elections, they’ll find a way to win at any cost. When Hillary Clinton lost the 2016 contest to Donald Trump, Nancy Pelosi and Adam Schiff spent four years trying to impeach Trump.

The left made Trump’s tenure in office a living hell. The only thing the left hates more than losing an election to the GOP is Donald Trump.

“Anyone who thinks my story is anywhere near over is sadly mistaken.” – Donald Trump

The left blamed four years of havoc on Capitol Hill, street violence by the Black Lives Matter and antifa riots, and the pandemic on Trump. Yet it was media and the Democrats nonstop deep state beating on Trump that caused this chaos. That’s why Biden promised if he was elected the Democrats would “turn the temperature down and restore normalcy” to an ailing America?

During his inaugural address in January 2021, President Biden said “History, faith and reason show the way to unity. We can see each other not as adversaries, but as neighbors. We can treat each other with dignity and respect. We can join forces, stop the shouting and work together. I will be a president for all Americans. I will fight for those who did not support me as for those who did.”

In the same breath, Biden condemned America for it’s social inequity and systemic racism. This sounds like a victory lap by someone who planned to misuse his federal powers to get his way.

We all know how well that worked for Biden, but it was extremely costly for our entire nation.

In his first days in office, Biden dismantled all Trump-era regulations for immigration. Biden scraped all of Trump’s policies to protect us during the pandemic. Biden shut down the Keystone pipeline, and stopped new drilling on federal lands. This increased energy prices by 40%. He extended all federal assistance programs for a year and granted a raise to federal employees. He printed money to pay for his progressive wish list, which resulted in historic inflation and nationwide retail shortages.

Biden didn’t keep his promise to administer justice fairly. His Justice Department criminalized pro-lifers praying outside abortion clinics and parents protesting at school board meetings. His FBI targeted traditional Catholics as terrorist suspects. His allies are prosecuting Trump in four Democratic-controlled districts with leftist judges who will not allow Trump a change of venue to get a fair trial.

“When you are wronged repeatedly, the worst thing you can do is continue taking it.” – Donald Trump

In his inaugural speech, Biden said: “Together we will write an American story of hope, of unity not division, of light not darkness. A story of decency and dignity, love and healing, greatness and goodness.” He used the words prayer, faith, sacred and God four times. Yet three years after taking office, Biden gave a bizarre rant at Philadelphia Hall. He warned us about how “dark forces in the dark state,” led by Trump’s “MAGA Republicans, are an extreme “threat to democracy.”

Why lightning has not yet struck the White House is beyond comprehension. In a speech about abortion earlier this month, Biden snubbed his nose at a reporter who reminded him that abortion was a mortal sin in the Catholic church. So why is he supporting abortion activists and prosecuting pro-lifers? Biden stoically answered: “I hold two views. One is religious and the other is political?”

From Washington to Donald Trump, America has never elected a president who was this morally inconsistent. Biden pledged to respect the beliefs of all Americans. Yet he supports all abortions as a right? He recommends a LGBTQ lifestyle for children. He think’s it’s OK for men who identify as women to participate in women’s sports and use their bathrooms. He says doctors should be able to sterilize teenagers.

Biden has destroyed our fossil fuel economy while China and India use our coal and natural gas to power up dozens of new production plants. Environmental activists believe Biden can control climate change while the world benefits from our cheap energy. His Fred Flintstone energy policies put thousands out of work. And his EPA mandates are forcing Americans out of their gas-powered cars and trucks.

Tadashi Yanai wrote, “Politicians tell us one thing and do something else.” Between rampant crime that is closing stores in major cities and leftist riots backing terrorist groups like Hamas, Biden is the chief cause of the chaos that has crippled America. He sends his personal army of agitators to go after anyone he doesn’t like, then prosecutes them for fighting back. Is this really the same guy who promised to unify, unite, forgive and govern for all America equally? America highly doubts it.

After three years, we’ve learned Biden only says what he thinks we want to hear. This is tantamount to confessing to a deaf priest. Local businesses are closing or barely hanging on. Big chains like Starbucks reported huge losses last year. Biden’s diversity and equity mandates have intensified racial and sexual tensions.

“I only speak the truth. Its too hard to keep covering up lies.” – Joe Biden

Biden promised everyone everything they wanted if they elected him president. Shame on him! The right only wanted the left to quit beating up on Donald Trump and let him work on making America great again. Of course, that was not in Biden’s playbook. Everyone thought Biden would have problems pleasing his diverse bag of constituents. We quickly learned the left had a common goal. They wouldn’t rest until they saw Trump burning on a cross in Times Square.

The guy who admitted to plagiarizing in law school finally got his dream job: president of the United States. He also got a chance to pay back his party, gaffs and all, when he was asked by the DNC to beef up their electorate with illegal immigrants. As a bonus, instead of turning down the heat on Trump and the GOP, he turned it up in an attempt to rid America of Trump.

If anyone actually still believes a word that Biden said in his inauguration speech, they must also believe in the Tooth Fairy, Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, Wonder Woman and Superman.

The best thing Biden can do for America is retire before he does more damage to this republic.

“In the country of a stupid nation, the nation works for the politician’s pocket. In the country of a wise nation, the politician works for the pocket of the nation!” – Mehmet Murat ildan

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