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Op-Ed: Which Kamala Harris will show up after Election Day

“A flock of Democrats will replace a mess of Republicans. It won’t mean a thing. They will go in like all the rest of ’em. Go in on promises and come out on alibis.” – Will Rogers

Winston Churchill told us that “some men change their party for the sake of their principles; others their principles for the sake of their party.” Campaigning, politicians claim that they will bring lasting reforms to improve our nation even though voters never asked for them. These reforms are only to satisfy their party, wealthy donors and assorted special interest groups, not to please the people.

Almost every politician has skeletons in their closet that they hide and run away from while they are campaigning. If they are liberal, they have a vault filled with money and their party and liberal media eagerly steering the narrative away from their history. With enough cover from media, their past can be camouflaged long enough to get them elected. And that is when the voters have buyer’s remorse.

No matter what voters learned from prime time advertising about a candidate, it’s vital that they take the time to compare their past policies with those they brought to the table while they campaigned.

A wise voter considers past failed policies instead of futuristic promises before voting each Election Day.

“Democracy cannot succeed unless those who vote do so wisely.” – Franklin D. Roosevelt

Progressive Senator Kamala Harris sponsored a resolution in 2019 that read, “It is the duty of the Federal Government to create a Green New Deal that guarantees a job with a family-sustaining wage, family and medical leave, paid vacations, and retirement security to all people in America.”

Last month, the Washington Examiner reported that a spokesperson for Harris’ campaign told them that “Democratic presidential nominee Kamala Harris changed her position and no longer supports a federal jobs guarantee.” Yet this has been a goal for progressives for three years?

In 2019, presidential candidate Kamala Harris told a CNN town hall audience that she was in favor of banning all fracking. And she would start day one by banning it on all public lands. She added she’d pass legislation like they have in California to outlaw fracking and off-shore drilling. Harris said, “This is something I’ve taken on in California. I have a history of working on this issue.” And again, a spokesmen for Harris last week announced she no longer supports banning fracking?

Under Joe Biden, Border Czar Kamala Harris watched over the most dangerous U.S. border crisis in recent history. After Biden canceled most Trump-Era restrictions, illegal border crossings soared with Harris in charge of border security. The number of illegal border crossers U.S. Border Patrol took into custody reached the highest level in its 100-year history. They averaged more than 2 million yearly under her watch.

For three plus years, Harris supported Biden’s open border polices and watched Biden fly in illegal foreign nationals in the middle of the night and distribute them to states all over the U.S. She never uttered a word of discontent for his scheme to populate the U.S. with illegal voters to shore up the Democratic base.

“I’ll match my border accomplishments with Donald Trump’s any day of the week!” – Kamala Harris

In a 2018 MSNBC interview, Kasie Hunt asked Harris about her desire to abolish Immigration and Customs Enforcement. Harris retorted, “There’s no question we’ve got to reexamine ICE and the way that it is administered. I believe we need to think about starting over again from scratch.”

It was recently reported in the New York Times, Harris campaign officials said Harris no longer wants to “start from scratch” with a different Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency. He claims she now backs increasing the funding for the current border enforcement if need be.

Harris bills herself as “a tough on crime former DA.” But news footage and her interviews show when the George Floyd riots consumed the nation, that she was an extremely vocal supporter of the de-fund the police movement. During one CNN interview. she lauded then Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti for slashing over $150 million from the LA police budget and reallocating it to social programs.

On a New York based radio program in 2020, Harris claimed that U.S. cities were “militarizing police” but “de-funding public schools.” She emphasized this whole movement is about looking into police budgets and priorities. She added, more police does not equate to more public safety.

During the George Floyd riots, she asked for donations to post bail for the rioters who were jailed.

When a Pew Research poll found only 25% of voters supported reducing police budgets in 2020, and today only 14% support it, Harris operatives jumped on the networks trying to convince voters that Harris no longer believes de-funding police budgets is a good idea. A DNC spokesmen said that Kamala Harris now believes that police budgets should be carefully examined and evaluated.

Harris co-sponsored socialist Bernie Sanders bill that would eliminate private insurance. Sander’s legislation would eliminate all private insurance, except for policies that covered services that the new government plan didn’t cover. This is the second time this year that Harris has championed support for eliminating private health insurance coverage and replacing it with Medicare-for-all.

“The profit-driven motives of private health insurance companies are “inhumane.” – Kamala Harris

The day she was nominated to replace Biden as the Democratic nominee, her operatives told her to announce to the voting public she no longer supports eliminating private insurance companies.

Her change in position on private insurance was broadcast throughout America the next day.

Harris’ tenure as vice president has been entirely unremarkable. The most distinguishing feature has been her lack of knowledge on foreign and domestic policy. In her 2020 presidential campaign, she wouldn’t commit to any policy positions and couldn’t defend her past. She entered the race as a top-tier candidate, backed by media and big-cash donors. But with poll ratings at 3%, even in her home state of California, she abruptly closed her campaign two months before the Iowa caucuses.

One major thread in Harris’ career, including her days as district attorney of San Francisco and as California attorney general, has been her flip-flopping on issues to suit her audience or the political moment. This may have worked as a short-term strategy. But it left a long-term impression of her as someone who stands for nothing. Is this really the kind of person we want running our nation?

Kamala Harris is the most liberal senator to ever serve in the U.S. Senate. She has a record that reflects she is more left than socialist Bernie Sanders. Now she is campaigning as a moderate. No one can predict what she’ll do if she is elected since she flip-flops on policy daily. Is America willing to take that risk?

“In a democracy, we’ve always worried about the ignorance of the uneducated. Today we have to worry about the ignorance of people with college degrees.” – Thomas Sowell

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