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Poll shows Kentucky governor strongly supported; Republicans skeptical

(The Center Square) – Survey results released by the Kentucky Democratic Party this week show Gov. Andy Beshear has strong statewide support, but Republicans expressed skepticism about the poll.

Overall, the poll shows voters support the Democratic governor by a 59-37 percent margin. That includes 55% of independent voters and a third of people who voted for Donald Trump in November.

Beshear received similar scores for handling of the COVID-19 crisis, as 58% said they supported him compared to 37% who disapproved.

The survey also indicated 77% of all Kentuckians, including two-thirds of Republicans, back Beshear’s order that individuals must wear masks indoor settings. Only 20% said they opposed it.

“It has been clear since day one that Governor Beshear was committed to putting public health above politics,” KDP Chairman Colmon Elridge said in a statement. “These poll numbers are a reflection of that reality: Kentuckians overwhelmingly trust Governor Beshear to make the right decisions to keep themselves and their loved ones safe.”

Other controversial measures also enjoy majority support, according to the poll, albeit with significantly smaller margins. For example, 55% said they support Beshear’s directive to limit in-home gatherings to eight people. The order is opposed by 41%.

The poll was conducted by Garin Hart Yang Research Group, a polling firm that works with Democratic candidates. The attached memo indicated pollsters interviewed 602 voters between Dec. 14-17, with 47% of those responding identifying as Republican.

Identifying as Republican is a key term. According to the latest numbers from the Kentucky Secretary of State’s office, Democrats still have nearly 92,000 more registered voters, but over the past two decades, the state has trended significantly toward the Republican Party.

Despite the heavy influence of people who identify Republicans in the polling data, the survey found that only 37% of Kentuckians would grade the GOP majority leadership in the General Assembly as either excellent or good, with another 33% rating the party as fair. Not surprisingly, just 8% of self-identified Democrats back House and Senate Republicans.

The survey results were released one day before the 2021 Kentucky General Assembly session and two days before Beshear is scheduled to give his State of the Commonwealth address. Republican leaders have said they plan to pursue legislation that would curb some of the governor’s COVID-19 emergency regulations.

Republicans hold large majorities in both chambers. In the November elections, held six weeks prior to the survey, the GOP picked up 11 House seats will hold a 75-25 seat advantage when the new session begins.

In the Senate, Republicans hold 30 of the 38 seats. The supermajorities in both chambers mean they can overturn Beshear vetoes.

Those numbers prompted a couple of GOP officials and consultants to scoff at the findings.

“I can make a poll say people loved Wonder Woman 84 if you pay me to….,” tweeted Tres Watson, a Republican campaign and communications consultant.

Jake Cox, the director of research and digital strategy for the Kentucky Republican Party, noted that many Democratic incumbents and candidates ran on Beshear’s agenda.

“But sure, the @KyDems poll is totally believable,” he tweeted.

Disclaimer: This content is distributed by The Center Square

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