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Pritzker changes ethics bill, vetoes ambulance bill

(The Center Square) – Gov. J.B. Pritzker issued an amendatory veto of the ethics bill, saying there’s a drafting error lawmakers need to correct.

He outright vetoed another bill dealing with ambulances that a first responders group vows to push for an override.

Pritzker acted upon dozens of bills Friday. Lawmakers sent more than 650 bills to his desk after passing them out of both chambers during the spring session.

Lawmakers must concur with changes the governor sends back through an amendatory veto for the change to become law. They must override the governor’s veto for such measures to become law.

For Senate Bill 539, the ethics bill, that aims to require more disclosure from lawmakers and limit the lawmaker/lobbyist revolving door, among other things.

After a tumultuous few years of an array of separate criminal charges against lawmakers and lobbyists, some say the measure didn’t go far enough.

Reform For Illinois Executive Director Alisa Kaplan has said the revolving door provision has a loophole “so big you can drive a truck through it.”

“If someone retires at the end of one General Assembly and wants to lobby the next one, the next day, they can do that under this bill, so it’s really just kind of a shell of a revolving door provision,” Kaplan said.

The outgoing Legislative Inspector General Carol Pope interpreted one element of the bill as not allowing the LIG to investigate lawmaker conduct that may be based on public reports in the media.

“It’s like taking one step forward and two steps back in this legislative session, which is why I felt I really couldn’t stay in this job anymore,” Pope said. “I don’t think the LIG has the ability to be effective the way the statutes are written.”

A committee is forming to find Pope’s replacement.

But, Pritzker’s office Friday said it’s a technical fix the governor is seeking to address through an amendatory veto, calling it a “drafting error”.

“The fix will ensure that the Executive Inspectors General are able to maintain current processes and procedures regarding investigations,” Pritzker’s office said in a statement.

The veto message to lawmakers said the governor’s proposed change addresses a reference lawmakers approved that limits inspectors “without advance approval of the Executive Ethics Commission” to investigate allegations of wrongful conduct.

“However, advance approval of the Executive Ethics Commission has never been required,” Pritzker said in the veto message. “The addition of this language inadvertently confuses the clear authority that the EIGs have under current law.”

The measure passed both chambers nearly unanimously, with only five representatives voting against the measure.

Per the Illinois Constitution bills with recommended chambers from the governor must be concurred by a simple majority of each chamber. Outright vetoes of bills, as the governor did with House Bill 684 on Friday, can be overridden by a three-fifths vote of each chamber.

Pritzker’s office said HB684 dealing with coverage of non-emergency ambulance services could potentially disrupt care and reduce the quality of such services for vulnerable Illinoisans.

The Illinois State Ambulance Association vowed to push for an override of the governor’s signature.

“In the midst of a dangerous resurgence of the COVID-19 pandemic, Gov. Pritzker’s veto of HB0684, which would free up millions in withheld funding for ambulance providers, is nothing short of devastating for our state’s first responders,” ISAA President Christopher Vandenberg said in a statement. “It shows blatant disregard for the General Assembly, which passed this legislation unanimously, and ultimately, it hurts patients who rely on ground transport for critical medical services who will suffer from longer waits for their care.”

HB684 passed unanimously out of both chambers this spring.

Lawmakers return Tuesday for a special session dealing with legislative maps. It’s possible the special session could be dissolved and lawmaker could take up other issues.

Here are 77 of other measures the governor enacted Friday:

Bill Number: HB 4

Description: Allows the use of e-learning days when a school is selected to be a polling place.

Action: Signed

Effective: June 1, 2022

Bill Number: HB 132

Description: Allows all State agencies to recognize and accept the certifications of minority-owned and women-owned businesses certified by the City of Chicago, Cook County or other entities approved by the Business Enterprise Council.

Action: Signed

Effective: January 1, 2022

Bill Number: HB 1711

Description: Bans the use of “puppy mills” by registered pet stores.

Action: Signed

Effective: 180 days after becoming law

Bill Number: HB 1926

Description: Repeals the City and Village Tuberculosis Sanitariums Division of the Illinois Municipal Code. There are no longer any Tuberculosis Sanitarium districts remaining in Illinois.

Action: Signed

Effective: January 1, 2022

Bill Number: HB 1954

Description: Designates the first full week of April every year as Autism Awareness Week to be observed throughout the state.

Action: Signed

Effective: January 1, 2022

Bill Number: HB 2109

Description: Mandates that individual and group insurance plans cover “comprehensive cancer screening” and “testing of blood or constitutional tissue for cancer predisposition testing.”

Action: Signed

Effective: January 1, 2022

Bill Number: HB 2394

Description: Requires the Departments of Human Services and Healthcare and Family Services to create a standardized format for data collection for behavioral health providers.

Action: Signed

Effective: Immediately

Bill Number: HB 2401

Description: Provides that the Secretary of State has the duty to accept service of process only in those specifically mandated areas of the law and as determined by the General Assembly. Provides that the Secretary of State is not the default agent for service of process in the State of Illinois.

Action: Signed

Effective: January 1, 2022

Bill Number: HB 2412

Description: Expands language accessibility by requiring published newspapers to issue notices in the official language of the minority group’s country of origin in areas with 45% of a single minority group’s population.

Action: Signed

Effective: January 1, 2022

Bill Number: HB 2426

Description: Allows individuals in Department of Human Services facilities to request a transfer to another facility and creates guidelines around the process.

Action: Signed

Effective: Immediately

Bill Number: HB 2438

Description: Requires the State Board of Education’s school report cards to include the number of teachers who are National Board-Certified Teachers.

Action: Signed

Effective: July 1, 2022

Bill Number: HB 2499

Description: Changes boat-related definitions to allow the Department of Natural Resources to pursue federal grant dollars.

Action: Signed

Effective: January 1, 2022

Bill Number: HB 2521

Description: Makes technical changes to the Illinois Educational Labor Relations Act.

Action: Signed

Effective: Immediately

Bill Number: HB 2553

Description: Creates the Protecting Household Privacy Act. Prohibits law enforcement agencies from obtaining household electronic data from a private third party unless the agency has a warrant or meets other specific exceptions.

Action: Signed

Effective: January 1, 2022

Bill Number: HB 2589

Description: Makes multiple changes to the Substance Use Disorder Act to help address the opioid crisis.

Action: Signed

Effective: January 1, 2022

Bill Number: HB 2614

Description: Allows the Northwest Home Equity Assurance Program to establish a Delinquent Tax Repayment Loan Fund.

Action: Signed

Effective: January 1, 2022

Bill Number: HB 2616

Description: Creates an exemption in the Illinois Procurement Code to provide reasonable accommodations to individuals with a disability.

Action: Signed

Effective: Immediately

Bill Number: HB 2766

Description: Makes technical changes to the Chicago Municipal Article of the Illinois Pension Code.

Action: Signed

Effective: January 1, 2022

Bill Number: HB 2806

Description: Creates the Local Volunteer Board Member Removal Act.

Allows a volunteer member of a board or commission to be removed for misconduct or neglect of office.

Action: Signed

Effective: Immediately

Bill Number: HB 3004

Description: Makes technical changes to pension boards regarding individuals that are members on pension boards and also employed by the board.

Action: Signed

Effective: January 1, 2022

Bill Number: HB 3100

Description: Expands the required training topics for mandated reporters under the Abused and Neglected Child Reporting Act to include an implicit bias training.

Action: Signed

Effective: January 1, 2022

Bill Number: HB 3174

Description: Makes changes to the High Impact Business Program with respect to prevailing wage provisions.

Action: Signed

Effective: Immediately

Bill Number: HB 3235

Description: Requires that 45 days prior to scheduled release, the Department of Corrections must provide individuals with information on housing, job listings, voting and acquiring a State ID.

Action: Signed

Effective: January 1, 2022

Bill Number: HB 3277

Description: Allows the court to appoint special advocates when a petition is filed under the Juvenile Court Act of 1987 or at any point during a proceeding.

Action: Signed

Effective: January 1, 2022

Bill Number: HB 3355

Description: Requires the Department of Human Services to post information on their website on the risks of developing a dependence on opioids and alternative treatments.

Action: Signed

Effective: Immediately

Bill Number: HB 3404

Description: Creates the Pembroke Township Natural Gas Investment Pilot Program for a duration of 5 years.

Action: Signed

Effective: Immediately

Bill Number: HB 3461

Description: Requires schools to create and adopt an evidence-informed policy that addresses sexual abuse from the standpoint of students, school personnel, and parents.

Action: Signed

Effective: Immediately

Bill Number: HB 3598

Description: Requires companies that issue group accident and health insurance to offer such insurance policies to local chambers of commerce.

Action: Signed

Effective: January 1, 2022

Bill Number: HB 3714

Description: Sets guidelines for the licensure of fire sprinkler contractors and fire sprinkler inspectors.

Action: Signed

Effective: Immediately

Bill Number: HB 3739

Description: Creates the Lead Service Line Replacement and Notification Act and sets guidelines and procedures to allow communities to access lead-free water.

Action: Signed

Effective: January 1, 2022

Bill Number: HB 3849

Description: Creates the Supported Decision-Making Agreement to better support individuals who need decision-making assistance due to an illness or disability.

Action: Signed

Effective: 6 months after becoming law

Bill Number: HB 3886

Description: Creates guidelines regarding news media’s access to minors under the care of the Department of Children and Family Services.

Action: Signed

Effective: Immediately

Bill Number: HB 3895

Description: Requires the Departments of Juvenile Justice and Corrections to implement wellness programs for all employees and staff to help address personal and professional mental health concerns.

Action: Signed

Effective: January 1, 2022

Bill Number: HB 3914

Description: Creates the Positive Act aimed at increasing diversity across state agencies.

Action: Signed

Effective: January 1, 2022

Bill Number: HB 3928

Description: Creates the Illinois Thirty-by-Thirty Conservation Task Force Act, which will focus on identifying ways in which Illinois can protect 30% of its land and water resources by 2030.

Action: Signed

Effective: Immediately

Bill Number: HB 3956

Description: Allows a clerk or deputy clerk of a circuit court to prepare or draft documents.

Action: Signed

Effective: January 1, 2022

Bill Number: SB 626

Description: Provides that one hour of community service is equivalent to the value of one hour of work at the state minimum wage, rather than the current equivalent of $4, and allows individuals who earn a certain income to apply for a reduction of fees assessed to a traffic violation.

Action: Signed

Effective: Immediately

Bill Number: SB 661

Description: Creates a program that would allow an individual who has a valid Illinois-licensed clinical social work license or a social work license and a Master of Social Work degree to receive a grant to obtain a Professional Educator License with an endorsement in social work.

Action: Signed

Effective: January 1, 2022

Bill Number: SB 662

Description: Creates the School Social Work Shortage Loan Repayment Program to provide student debt relief to social workers who are employed by a public elementary or secondary school in Illinois.

Action: Signed

Effective: July 1, 2022

Bill Number: SB 693

Description: Authorizes EMS personnel to divert patients without immediate need for medical care to a mental health facility, urgent care, or immediate care facility instead of to the emergency room.

Action: Signed

Effective: Immediately

Bill Number: SB 1655

Description: Technical bill that clarifies conveyance of property from the Department of Natural Resources to local governments.

Action: Signed

Effective: Immediately

Bill Number: SB 1667

Description: Allows certification of the levy by the county clerk to be done electronically.

Action: Signed

Effective: January 1, 2022

Bill Number: SB 1697

Description: Amends the Grant Accountability and Transparency Act (GATA) so that awards funded by state appropriations will no longer be required to follow GATA rules and guidelines.

Action: Signed

Effective: Immediately

Bill Number: SB 1822

Description: Extends the estimated dates of completion of redevelopment projects and the retirement of obligations issued to finance redevelopment costs for several municipalities.

Action: Signed

Effective: Immediately


Bill Number: SB 1861

Description: Modernizes various aspects of the Department of Correction’s Impact Incarceration Program.

Action: Signed

Effective: January 1, 2022

Bill Number: SB 1905

Description: Creates the Consumer Coverage Disclosure Act to ensure consumers are aware of their available coverage.

Action: Signed

Effective: Immediately

Bill Number: SB 1920

Description: Amends the Environmental Protection Act to add public disclosure requirements if demolitions are conducted at coal-fueled power plants.

Action: Signed

Effective: Immediately

Bill Number: SB 1974

Description: Prohibits insurers from attempting a recoupment or offset until all appeal rights of a health care professional or provider are exhausted.

Action: Signed

Effective: January 1, 2022

Bill Number: SB 2007

Description: Makes amendments regarding the handling of cottage food.

Action: Signed

Effective: January 1, 2022

Bill Number: SB 2066

Description: Makes technical changes to the Retailers’ Occupation Tax Act.

Action: Signed

Effective: Immediately

Bill Number: SB 2088

Description: Expands eligible appointees of the committee created to review ISBE’s kindergarten assessment to include state policy advocates, early childhood administrators, and other stakeholders.

Action: Signed

Effective: January 1, 2022

Bill Number: SB 2093

Description: Expands Chicago Teachers’ Pension Fund (CTPF) coverage to include educational staff of contract schools.

Action: Signed

Effective: Immediately

Bill Number: SB 2107

Description: Amends the Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund (IMRF) and the Firefighters’ Pension Investment Fund Articles of the Illinois Pension Code.

Action: Signed

Effective: Immediately

Bill Number: SB 2109

Description: Requires professional development training for school board members to cover trauma-informed practices for students and staff.

Action: Signed

Effective: January 1, 2023

Bill Number: SB 2136

Description: Allows for the expungement of criminal records for felony prostitution convictions.

Action: Signed

Effective: Immediately

Bill Number: SB 2137

Description: Requires nursing homes and long-term care facilities, as a condition of licensure by IDPH, to adopt plans and policies to prevent social isolation for seniors.

Action: Signed

Effective: Immediately

Bill Number: SB 2153

Description: Makes changes regarding violations of nursing staffing levels and establishes a fee schedule for those violations.

Action: Signed

Effective: Immediately

Bill Number: SB 2158

Description: Requires insurance policies or managed care plans to provide coverage for treatment to eliminate or maximally treat port-wine stains.

Action: Signed

Effective: January 1, 2022

Bill Number: SB 2172

Description: Requires that pharmacies and pharmacists ensure that all new pharmacy technicians are educated and trained using a standard nationally accredited education and training program.

Action: Signed

Effective: Immediately, requirements begin January 1, 2024

Bill Number: SB 2244

Description: Increases opportunities for tax relief to senior citizens by allowing them to defer all or part of their property tax and special assessment payments.

Action: Signed

Effective: Immediately

Bill Number: SB 2249

Description: Clarifies that the Department of Corrections cannot fire an employee solely because the employee had their FOID card revoked due to the employee being enrolled at a mental health facility.

Action: Signed

Effective: January 1, 2022

Bill Number: SB 2265

Description: Makes changes to how informed consent for psychotropic medication may be obtained or refused in nursing homes.

Action: Signed

Effective: Immediately

Bill Number: SB 2270

Description: Updates provisions of the Nursing Home Care Act to require the Department of Public Health to submit proposed rules to the Secretary of State.

Action: Signed

Effective: Immediately

Bill Number: SB 2290

Description: Creates the Illinois Broadband Adoption Fund Act to provide financial assistance programs to residents for broadband internet services who qualify for TANF, SNAP, Medicaid, or have a child suitable for free or reduced lunch.

Action: Signed

Effective: Immediately

Bill Number: SB 2323

Description: Prohibits the use of restraints when youth are being transported under the care of the Department of Children and Family Services.

Action: Signed

Effective: Immediately

Bill Number: SB 2325

Description: Creates a $2 million funding pool for payments to non-emergency ambulance providers for valid appeals of previous HFS claims denials.

Action: Signed

Effective: Immediately

Bill Number: SB 2339

Description: Allows the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Cook County to prevent the disclosure of the identities of child sex crime victims.

Action: Signed

Effective: January 1, 2022

Bill Number: SB 2340

Description: Restricts the disclosure of the identity of an adult victim of criminal sexual assault.

Action: Signed

Effective: January 1, 2022

Bill Number: SB 2356

Description: Amends the Open Meetings Act to require semi-annual meetings to approve minutes of closed meetings of public bodies.

Action: Signed

Effective: January 1, 2022

Bill Number: SB 2370

Description: Creates guidelines for Department of Children and Family Services youth-in-care during detention and shelter care hearings.

Action: Signed

Effective: January 1, 2023

Bill Number: SB 2384

Description: Directs the Department of Healthcare and Family Services to expand palliative care within Medicaid for individuals under 21.

Action: Signed

Effective: January 1, 2022

Bill Number: SB 2496

Description: Extends the sunset date on the Collateral Recovery Act.

Action: Signed

Effective: Immediately

Bill Number: SB 2520

Description: Allows a county board to hire outside legal counsel to represent the county board when there is a conflict of interest between the State’s Attorney and the county board.

Action: Signed

Effective: Immediately

Bill Number: SB 2531

Description: Allows partners and S corporation shareholders to avoid the $10,000 cap on SALT deduction under federal law.

Action: Signed

Effective: Immediately

Bill Number: SB 2662

Description: Allows identification cards issued to conditional permanent residents to expire under specified conditions. Also allows REAL ID-compliant ID cards issued to conditional permanent residents to be marked as “Limited Term.”

Action: Signed

Effective: January 1, 2022

Disclaimer: This content is distributed by The Center Square

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