Business Wire

Séché Environnement: 2020 Annual Results at the Top End of Targets

CHANGÉ, France–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Regulatory News:

Séché Environnement (Paris:SCHP) achieves and even exceeds its 2020 targets presented at its Investor Day held on June 26, 2018 and clarified on the publication of its H1 2020 results.

The Group has once again shown the resilience of its business lines, operating margins and cash flow generation.

It has underlined its ability, in 2021, to pursue its profitable growth strategy in France and internationally, and has confirmed its 2022 roadmap.

Resilience of business activity

Contributed revenue: €673m


Resilience of operating margins


EBITDA: €137m, or 20.4% of revenue

COI: €48m, i.e. 7.1% of revenue       




Resilience of the financial situation



Free cash flow: €63m

Net financial debt: €450m          

Financial leverage at 3.1x            




Dividend proposed to the General Meeting of April 30, 2021:

€0.95 per share


Favorable 2021 outlook

Assumption that the impacts of the health crisis will gradually reduce

Continued solid growth in France and return to pre-crisis activity levels in all international regions

Continued increase in operating margins targeting EBITDA/contributed revenue of 21%

Capex resumption after cautious FY 2020

Improved financial leverage target ratio: approximately 2.9x at the end of 2021  (excluding acquisitions)

Confirmation of the roadmap through to 2022
Contributed revenue of between €750m and €800m, of which around 30% international revenue

EBITDA of between 21% and 22% of contributed revenue

Financial leverage ratio below 3.0x EBITDA

At the Board of Directors meeting held on March 5, 2021 to approve the financial statements for the 2020 financial year, the Chairman, Joël Séché, stated: “At the end of an unprecedented year, Séché Environnement has once again demonstrated the resilience of its business lines and its operational, financial and environmental performance.

This resilience is primarily due to the unfailing commitment of the men and women who work at this Company: on behalf of the Board, I express our deepest gratitude.

We also owe this resilience to the agility of our structure and to the appropriateness of our development strategy, which is focused on the business lines that drive the Circular Economy, Ecological Transition and Hazard Containment.

As such, the internal and external growth dynamic continued uninterrupted.

We have improved our environmental performance and that of our customers, particularly in combating climate change, for example, through our revamped facilities in Salaise. The provision of green energy from those facilities to the Osiris chemicals platform is a leading project in the circular economy applied to hazardous and industrial waste and is an example of our contribution to the decarbonization of the economy.

We won significant contracts with local authorities, invariably on the Circular Economy markets, such as the Solena project in Aveyron and the Mo’Uve delegated management contract in Montauban.

Internationally, we also successfully completed the acquisition of Spill Tech in South Africa at the very beginning of the year. This acquisition strengthens the Group’s presence as a major environmentally-focused business in South Africa.

Thanks to our capacity for technological innovation, our environmental know-how and our operational and financial agility, we can approach the future with confidence.

At the beginning of 2021, Séché Environnement returned, in overall terms, to its pre-crisis activity levels. In France and internationally, the Group is stronger; the scope of its activities has increased, its operating margins have increased and, as evidence of its financial flexibility, its ability to generate recurring free cash has been demonstrated.

Uncertainty remains concerning the evolution of the pandemic and its economic consequences: I am certain that we will be able to overcome these issues and confident that we will achieve our 2022 objectives, while continuing on our profitable, sustainable and value-creating growth trajectory focused on the Environment and Sustainable Development.”

Summary of activity, income, and financial situation at December 31, 2020

The 2020 financial year was characterized by a global pandemic that affected Séché Environnement’s organization and operations in France and in the countries in which the Group operates to varying degrees. Against this background, Séché Environnement confirmed the resilience of its business activities, operating margins and cash flow generation, thus confirming its profitable growth strategy.

Organically, Séché Environnement was able to draw on a solid customer base, a significant recovery in waste volumes and price increases, which offset, over the year as a whole, the fall in the level of certain business activities seen during the Q2 health crisis in most regions.

Benefiting from an agile and responsive structure, the Group posted operating margins in 2020 that were equal to or higher than those of the previous year, while its financial position confirmed its solidity with financial leverage unchanged from end-2019.

Drawing on its business momentum, particularly in the Circular Economy business lines, and benefiting from continued financial flexibility, Séché Environnement is confident that it will be able to achieve the economic, operational and financial objectives set for 20222.

Solid markets, business momentum confirmed

High-quality organic growth

Excluding the one-off impact of the health crisis, Séché Environnement benefited from strong industrial and local authority business in France and in most of its regions, which sustained its organic growth over the period.

As expected, the Group’s levels of activity in H2 2020 were good, comparable to those of H2 2019, which helped smooth out, at least partially, the commercial impacts of the Q1 health crisis.

In addition, the Group registered some significant commercial successes in France, which have allowed it to expand and consolidate its presence, particularly with local authorities in the Circular Economy business lines through the Solena project3 and the Mo’Uve delegated management contract4.

With contributed revenue5 of €672.5m, down slightly by -2.2% compared to 2019 (in reported data) and -2.8% (at constant scope and exchange rates), in 2020 Séché Environnement confirmed the resilience of its business activities in France, and for the most part, internationally:

  • In France (77% of contributed revenue), consolidated activity was stable compared to last year (+0.1% to €517.4m), with the Group benefiting, since the end of H1, from a sharp recovery in waste volumes, particularly non-hazardous waste, and a dynamic recovery in its services activities.
  • Internationally, revenue (€155.1m, -9.4% in reported data) included Mecomer’s contribution over an additional quarter compared to 2019 (+€13.6m) and suffered from a significantly negative foreign exchange effect (-€10.2m).

    Following the lockdowns, business activities recovered at an uneven pace based on geographical region, with Europe and South Africa posting robust activity, while the consequences of the health crisis on Latin America and Services worldwide (Solarca) were more long-term.

Operating income also confirmed their resilience, with performances equal to or greater than those of last year on the most significant ratios:

  • Earnings Before Interest, Tax, Depreciation and Amortization (EBITDA) totaled €137.0m, up slightly by 1.2% compared with 2019 reflecting a significant increase in gross operating profitability, which rose to 20.4% of contributed revenue (vs. 19.7% in 2019).

    The second half of 2020 proved to be a major contributor, including compared to the second half of 2019, as the period benefited from full capacity at the facilities, the increased investment made last year and the positive effects of the industrial efficiency policy and the cost-saving plan.

    Séché Environnement thus exceeded its initial gross operating profit target of 20% of contributed revenue in 20206;
  • Current operating income (COI) was virtually stable compared to 2019, at €47.5m (vs. €47.8m in 2019), reflecting a slight improvement in current operating profitability to 7.1% of contributed revenue (vs. 7.0% in 2019);
  • Operating income included various expenses totaling €(3.3)m, in particular associated with the Group’s international structure (amounts paid for the acquisition of targets, expenses related to finding a B-BBEE partner in South Africa, etc.) and amounted to €44.2m, or 6.6% of contributed revenue (vs. €46.8m at December 31, 2019, i.e. 6.8% of contributed revenue).

Financial income fell to €(20.4)m compared to €(17.5)m a year earlier, reflecting in particular an increase in the cost of gross debt linked to the increase in average financial debt compared to 2019 and the impact of negative foreign exchange income of €(1.7)m.

After accounting for tax expense of €(8.4)m, net income (Group share) came to €13.8m, or 2.1% of contributed revenue (vs. €18.9m at December 31, 2019, or 2.8% of contributed revenue).

Industrial investments (excluding IFRIC 12) are under control, at €63.0m vs. €72.4m a year earlier, or 9.4% of contributed revenue (vs.10.5% in 2019), a level that compares favorably with the Group’s medium-term objectives (between 10% and 11%)7.

Out of this total, maintenance investments amounted to €43.2m (vs. €48.4m in 2019), or 6.4% of contributed revenue (vs. 7.0% in 2019), which illustrates the effects of the industrial efficiency policy.

Development investments (€19.8m vs. €24.1m a year earlier) were the subject of increased selectivity in view of the economic environment in certain geographical areas, which was made more uncertain by the health crisis. They were therefore limited to strategic investments and mainly related to the development of new capacities for Mecomer (Italy) and the continued roll-out of the new ERP.

At December 31, 2020, the Group had free operating cash flow of €63.3m (vs. €48.8m in 2019, reflecting an increase of +30.0% for the period). The ratio of free cash flow to EBITDA stood at 46%, well above the target of 35% set by the Group for 20208.

Free cash totaled €105.2m at December 31, 2020 (vs. €92.3m one year earlier) and helped to strengthen the group’s liquidity position of €275.3m (vs. €287.3m at end-2019). Note that the revolving credit facility drawn down in H1 2020 was fully repaid during the second half of the year.

Net financial debt (IFRS) was down slightly, to €450.2m at December 31, 2020 (vs. €456.2m one year earlier).

Financial leverage, calculated according to the definition included in the banking contract9, was unchanged at 3.1x EBITDA (vs. 3.1x the previous year), substantially below the 3.95x set out in the financial covenant –which could be raised to 4.25x in the event of any acquisitions.

Consolidated data in €m

At December 31





Contributed revenue








% of revenue



Current operating income




% of revenue



Financial income



Share of profit of associates



Net income (Group share)








Recurring operating cashflow10




Industrial CapEx paid (excl. IFRIC 12)




Free operating cashflow11




Net financial debt under IFRS




Recent events and outlook

Acquisition of Spill Tech in South Africa

On January 18, 2021, Séché Environnement announced plans to acquire the South African company Spill Tech12.

Spill Tech specializes in hazardous waste management and offers high value-added services for industrial cleaning, site decontamination, marine decontamination and polluted soil treatment.

A company with a strong culture of social responsibility, Spill Tech also fully meets the requirements of Level 1 of the B-BBEE government program aimed at reducing racial inequality in South Africa.

Spill Tech is a fast-growing company (with average revenue growth of +40% per year between 2018 and 2020) and in 2021 is expected to generate revenue of approximately €29m, adjusted EBITDA of approximately €7.9m and consolidated net income of approximately €4.6m.

The acquisition will be financed by drawing on the existing bank credit facility line.

Subject to the removal of the conditions precedent and in particular the approval of the competent authorities, this acquisition is expected to be finalized in March 2021.


Séché Environnement assumes that the economic effects of the health crisis will gradually ease in 2021, in France and in most of the countries in which the Group operates.

In this scenario, and given the resilience of its business activities and margins in 2020, Séché Environnement is confident in its ability to return to revenue growth and continue to improve its operating margins in 2021, thus confirming the sales, operational and financial trajectory that the Group has set itself for 202213.

Favorable 2021 outlook

Drawing on its 2020 economic, operational, financial and non-financial achievements, Séché Environnement has confidence in the resilience and sustainability of its business activities in France and internationally.

Resilience of business lines with regard to the economic risks posed by the pandemic

The Group is in command of the hazards of waste, which is a strategic concern for the continuity of economic and social life. As such, it operates in business lines that are critical to public sanitation, protection of human health, and remediation of environmental risks.

In particular, its positioning on the hazardous waste markets makes it essential to the continuity of its industrial customers’ output. The majority of these customers operate in the strategic sectors of energy, chemicals, health care, or pharmaceuticals. This also means Séché Environment is a committed partner to its Local Authority and Hospital customers, enabling them to continue their public service missions.

Moreover, its strong presence in the markets of the Circular Economy, Ecological Transition and the fight against climate change, which are major societal issues, gives its activities long-term growth momentum, driven both in France and internationally by increasingly demanding public opinion, increasingly stringent environmental regulations and increasingly complex demands for solutions from industrial and public customers.

Strong performance in the markets

In 2021, Séché Environnement should continue to benefit from industrial business that remains strong, with industrial production expected to remain at high levels, particularly in its core customer base.

Contracts with local authorities, which mainly relate to non-hazardous waste, should continue to benefit from the positive effects of the implementation of the Circular Economy.

In particular, the prospect of a gradual and significant increase, to take place between 2021 and 2025, in the TGAP (tax on polluting activities) paid by the waste producer, is likely to strengthen the waste recovery business lines by establishing a better economic balance between the waste business lines in favor of recovery activities.

In addition, the bans on cross-border transfers of waste, both within the European Union and to Asian countries (China in particular) strengthened in 2021, thus contributing to the deployment of sustainable local solutions.

Return to growth for contributed revenue

These positive trends, both in France and on its main international markets, have allowed Séché Environnement to anticipate a return, in 2021, to growth for its revenues in France and abroad.

The current financial year will be compared to the weak performance seen in the first half of the year, which was impacted by the health crisis, while the Group is expected to benefit from full capacity at its recovery and treatment facilities over the entire financial year, as well as from the contribution of the commercial successes seen in 2020, such as Mo’Uve in Montauban, and the scope acquired at the beginning of 2021 (Spill Tech).

Continued improvement in operational performance

At the operational level, Séché Environnement will pursue its industrial efficiency strategy, based on increased selectivity in relation to its investments and a €10m cost-saving plan spread over 2020-2021.

The Group is also expected to continue to benefit, at least in respect of part of the year, from savings in overheads linked to the Group’s organization during the health crisis (limited travel expenses, trade fairs, etc.).

These factors should enable the Group to improve its gross operating profitability (EBITDA/contributed revenue) over the level reached in 2020 and target contributed revenue of 21%.

Investment policy appropriate to the profitable growth strategy

In 2021, Séché Environnement is planning a sustained investment program, in line with growth projects aimed at developing its international capacities, particularly in Italy (finalization of the investment programmer that begun in 2020 to double Mecomer’s capacity) and in France, investments in the capacity of the HW and NHW incineration business lines, as well as investments associated with regulatory changes.

The Group will also continue the three-year investment program begun in 2020 in its new ERP solution, which, among other benefits, will better structure oversight of its operations in line with the Group’s operational optimization policy.

All of these development projects should total around €20m in 2021, in addition to the Group’s standard maintenance and development investments (estimated at around 10% of contributed revenue). Investments will be made in line with the objective of free cash flow generation (35% of EBITDA) and financial flexibility, with an improved financial leverage ratio at around 2.9x EBITDA at the end of 2021 (excluding acquisitions)14.

Confirmation of the roadmap through to 2022

In looking towards 2022, Séché Environnement reaffirms its confidence in its main strategic objectives, presented on December 17, 2019, in terms of market positioning and development, and industrial and organizational policy:

Development strategy:

  • In France, Séché Environnement intends to continue expanding in the high added value businesses of the circular economy, in particular in the recovery of scarce resources from hazardous waste and energy recovery from non-hazardous waste, as well as in added value service activities.
  • Internationally, the Group plans to take significant positions in emerging economies offering solid growth prospects in terms of volume and value, buoyed by the tightening of local environmental standards and rising barriers to entry. To achieve this, the strong organic growth expected on these markets could be enhanced by small-scale acquisitions if opportunities arise.

Activity growth:

Séché Environnement expects contributed revenue to amount to between €750m and €800m at the end of 2022, with around 30% generated internationally (compared with 23% in 2020) – at constant scope.

Operating profitability and cash flow generation:

Profitable growth, industrial efficiency and productivity gains enable Séché Environnement to set a target EBITDA of between 21% and 22% of contributed revenue.

The free cash flow generation target of 35% of 2022 EBITDA is fully confirmed, with an improved financial leverage ratio (net financial debt / EBITDA) of below 3.0x 2022 EBITDA – excluding acquisitions –.

Results presentation webcast March 9, 2021 at 8:30 am

Connection to the home page of Séché Environnement’s website

In French:

In English:

Next release

First-Quarter 2021 Revenue:

April 27, 2021 after market close

About Séché Environnement
Séché Environnement is the leader in the treatment and recovery of all types of waste, including the most complex and hazardous waste, and decontamination, protecting the environment and health. Séché Environnement is a family-owned French industrial group that has supported industrial and regional ecology for over 35 years with innovative technology developed by its R&D team. It delivers its unique expertise on the ground in local regions, with more than 100 sites around the world, including around 40 industrial sites in France. With 4,600 employees, including 2,000 in France, Séché Environnement generates €700m in revenue, 25% of which from its international operations, and is expanding through both organic growth and acquisitions. Thanks to its expertise in the circular economy, the treatment of pollutants and greenhouse gases, and hazard containment, the Group directly contributes to the protection of the living world and biodiversity – an area it has actively supported since its creation.

Séché Environnement has been listed on Eurolist by Euronext (Compartment B) since November 27, 1997. It is eligible for equity savings funds dedicated to investing in SMEs and is included in the CAC Mid&Small, EnterNext Tech 40 and EnterNext PEA-PME 150 indexes. ISIN: FR 0000039139 – Bloomberg: SCHP.FP – Reuters: CCHE.PA


Comments on activity and results at December 31, 2020

At December 31, 2020, Séché Environnement reported consolidated revenue of €673.1m, (vs. €704.4m at December 31, 2019. Reported consolidated revenue includes non-contributed revenue of €0.6m (vs. €16.6m in 2019).

Net of non-contributed revenue, contributed revenue totaled €672.5m as of December 31, 2020 (vs. €687.8m a year earlier), marking a slight fall of -2.2% compared to 2019 in reported data, and -2.8% at constant scope and exchange rates.

Breakdown of revenue by geographic region

At December 31



Gross change


In €m

As a %

In €m

As a %

As a %

Subsidiaries in France

(excl. IFRIC 12 revenue and compensation)






o/w scope effect


International subsidiaries






o/w scope effect




Total contributed revenue






Consolidated data at current exchange rates. At constant exchange rates, contributed revenue at December 31, 2019 was €677.6m, illustrating a negative foreign exchange effect of €(10.2)m.

After a second quarter marked by the peak of the health crisis in most regions in which the Group operates, the business activities, in overall terms, confirmed their resilience, supported in France by the strong performance of industrial business (82% of contributed revenue in 2020) and by the implementation of regulations on the Circular Economy, while internationally, the situation in each geographic region was different:

  • In France, contributed revenue was stable (+0.1%) compared to 2019, at €517.4m vs. €516.7m at December 31, 2019

    After a good start to the year interrupted by the health crisis, most business lines recovered following the end of the first lockdown, with business levels at or even higher than pre-crisis levels.

    In its industrial business, Séché Environnement has a core client base of large companies in strategic sectors that have maintained a solid level of waste production, including during the lockdown periods, which has helped the performance of the recovery and treatment activities, particularly for hazardous waste.

    Services activities (Decontamination services and especially Environmental Emergency services) also enjoyed a strong second half of the year, which offset delays to projects as a result of the first lockdown.

    The Local Authorities business enjoyed strong momentum characterized by the strong recovery in volumes of non-hazardous waste (especially Waste from Economic Activity (WEA)) after the first lockdown and, more generally, a good economic environment thanks to the implementation by these customers of strategies in favor of the Circular Economy.


Analyst / Investor Relations

Head of Investor Relations

[email protected]
+33 (0)1 53 21 53 60

Media Relations
Constance DESCOTES

Head of Communications

[email protected]
+33 (0)1 53 21 53 53

Read full story here

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