
STD Registry Launches Social Sharing Blitz Just in Time for Valentine’s Day

STD Registry Search Results

A website featuring user generated allegations that people have STDs is circumventing social media bans and search engine suppression for Valentine’s Day to re-assure users that their voices will not be silenced by big tech.

Portland, Oregon Feb 14, 2022 ( – STD Carriers Disease Control and Prevention Services has launched a social media sharing blitz just in time for Valentine’s Day. This blitz is intended to reassure users that the site will continue to make their voices heard despite escalating efforts by big tech to suppress their work. The censorship of STD Carriers users has increased drastically in recent years with bans imposed by social media companies and the Google search engine.

Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, Medium, and other social networks have repeatedly banned the sharing of content from in one form or another in recent years. Facebook banned any mention of the URL and began telling any user that attempted to link to the site that their post automatically violated their community guidelines. Twitter has repeatedly taken down accounts even after they stopped sharing user generated content. Reddit took down the official STD Carriers subreddit long ago for violating their anti-doxxing rules which categorize so much as mentioning someone by name as doxxing. Medium almost always bans any account promoting STD Carriers within a month of creation. Other social networks have targeted STD Carriers with a range of suppression ranging from suspending accounts to simply not allowing any account to remain should it continue to share user generated content from STD Carriers.

STD Carriers has successfully evaded most of the above-mentioned bans by using burner accounts created by STD Carriers using different combinations of phone numbers and email addresses not previously used to create accounts with those services. In many cases STD Carriers purchased phone verified accounts from online merchants for the sole purpose of having backups lined up when their newest accounts inevitably get banned. STD Carriers hopes to remind its users that when they sign up for a membership that they not only assume full responsibility for the accuracy of their work, but they also give STD Carriers unlimited rights to distribute that work in the future. STD Carriers intends to exercise those rights by making sure its users always have a voice on social media whether the social media companies like it or not. In Facebook’s case the URL ban was successfully circumvented by creating a share button linked to a different domain name which serves mirrors of STD Carriers’ content.

Google is the main reason behind the decision to push STD Carriers content back into social networks. In response to a series of articles in The New York Times, Google manually applied a penalty which prevents the site from ranking on Google for search terms that include personal identifiers such as names of people. Their manual action went as far as to bury content from STD Carriers beneath pages upon pages or irrelevant search results for names just because Google claims to disapprove of the site’s removal policy which Google classified as “exploitative” despite not engaging in what Google calls “exploitative removal practices” due to the simple fact that nothing has ever been removed from STD Carriers for money. The site does sell “noindex” tags which block reports from search engines, but that does not meet Google’s definition of a “exploitative” practice. To get around the ban STD Carriers was required to begin syndicating content onto other domains that have not been manually flagged by Google employees. One easy way to do that is by sharing content on social networks that Google does not apply the penalty to. This means that in many cases Google themselves cannot keep content from STD Carriers out of search results without engaging in a never-ending pointless struggle that does nothing but cost them money while crippling the value of their core service by making it harder for people to find what they are looking for online.

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Source :STD Carriers Disease Control and Prevention Services

This article was originally published by IssueWire. Read the original article here.

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