
TalSuccess Launches Partnership with ROI Institute in India

TalSuccess, a brand of Quint Consulting Services (Quint), a leading talent transformation service provider, today announced the launch of a partnership with ROI Institute, Inc. to deliver ROI services in India. ROI Institute is the global leader in measuring and evaluating the investment in people, projects, and programs using the ROI Methodology.

The official launch, attended by more than 100 Quint customers from India as well as 12 countries, was held virtually as Sunil Mehta, Managing Director, Quint delivered the initial welcome, and Patti Phillips, Ph.D., CEO & Co-founder of ROI Institute, described the ROI Methodology and its use during the keynote address.

The ROI Methodology is a scalable and systematic approach to program evaluation. Using a process model, five-level framework, and operating standards to capture performance metrics from simple satisfaction scores to the financial impact, the methodology enables users to collect appropriate data to report the performance of a variety of initiatives and program types. The ROI Methodology generates both qualitative and quantitative data. It provides techniques to isolate program effects from other influences – resulting incredible metrics and ROI reports accepted by financial executives and stakeholders.

The ROI Methodology is the most used and implemented evaluation system globally, with over 6,000 organizations using this process. The ROI Methodology provides the capability to evaluate program performance and improve the design of programs for optimal impact. A focused, proven, and practical approach – the process is grounded in conservative standards and is a cost-effective approach to program evaluation.

Mr. Sunil Mehta, Country Manager – India, Middle East & Africa, Quint Consulting Services

Through TalSuccess’s stronghold in the Indian market, ROI Institute is proud to expand its business outreach. The partnership between TalSuccess and ROI Institute will help organizations evaluate the success of projects and programs, including measuring the financial return on investment (ROI).

Speaking about the launch, Mr. Sunil Mehta, Country Manager – India, Middle East & Africa, Quint Consulting Services said, “We are proud to partner with ROI Institute which will add value to our customers in India. ROI Institute’s ROI Methodology is world-renowned, and organizations can hugely benefit from its use – by aligning business needs with training. This is a fantastic opportunity for our customers to become more familiar with measuring and evaluating what they do by using ROI Methodology. We can provide training as well as consultancy services on ROI and would be happy to work with corporates in evaluating their investments in people, projects & programs.”

About TalSuccess

TalSuccess is a brand of Quint Consulting Services, a Global Training and Consulting company with a footprint in India since 2004. Quint has trained more than 2.5 million learners globally and covered more than 1250 corporates during the last 30 years. Quint started a separate vertical – TalSuccess, to address the “people” aspects in the best practice space. TalSuccess is focused mainly on Talent Transformation covering Talent Assessment, Talent Development, and Measuring the Impact. It collaborates with the best global thought leadership in this space.

For more information, please visit

About ROI Institute

ROI Institute, Inc., founded in 1992 as a service-driven organization, assists professionals in improving programs and processes using the ROI Methodology developed by Dr. Jack J. Phillips and Dr. Patti P. Phillips. This Methodology is the global leader in measurement and evaluation, including the use of return on investment (ROI) in non-traditional applications. ROI Institute regularly offers workshops, provides consulting services, publishes books and case studies, and conducts research on the use of measurement and ROI. This makes ROI Institute the leading source of content, tools, and services in measurement, evaluation, and analytics. ROI Institute applies the ROI Methodology in 20 fields in over 70 countries, working with more than one hundred ROI consultants. ROI Institute authors have written or edited over 100 books translated into 38 languages. Organizations build internal capability with the help of ROI Institute and its ROI Certification process. By completing this process, individuals are awarded the Certified ROI Professional (CRP) designation, which executives in organizations worldwide respect.

For more information on ROI Institute, please visit

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