


The pandemic has prompted people to be more conscious of a healthier lifestyle, however, when it comes to preventive self-care measures, retinal health is yet to be included in the priority list. There are progressive retinal diseases that can affect one at an early age[1] however owing to lack of awareness, these diseases are only flagged off once individuals started seeing serious symptoms.

Diseases such as age-related macular degeneration (AMD) and diabetic retinopathy (DR) can lead to significant vision loss or impairment if not managed accurately and at the right time. AMD affects the central vision and is more common in the aged. DR causes permanent blindness or vision loss in diabetics by damaging retinal blood vessels.

Dr. Chaitra Jayadev, Head, Vitreoretina Services, Narayana Nethralaya Eye Institute, Karnataka, says, “In India, 35% of all diabetics have some form of diabetic retinopathy and over 10% have vision-threatening conditions like proliferative diabetic retinopathy and diabetic macular edema. A regular retinal checkup helps in early diagnosis and prompt treatment. Even a person with eye complications due to diabetes may have no symptoms, and most are diagnosed on routine examination. Blurring of vision, frequent changes in spectacle power, and floaters are some common complaints. Since most of the diseases that affect the retina are due to bad lifestyle, being conscious of the same and avoiding aggravating factors will go a long way to safeguard vision.”

Preventive measures for retinal health
Vision loss isn’t an inevitable result of ageing and can be well managed. The same goes for poor retinal health due to chronic diseases. Several factors such as a good diet, healthy lifestyle and periodic check-ups can help prevent damage to the retina. Here are some tips to get you going:

  • Awareness about eye-related diseases
    Be aware of diseases that can affect you and how to prevent them. If you are suffering from a chronic disease, talk to your doctor to learn if it can affect your retina and manage it better to prevent any harm.

  • Periodic eye check-ups
    The most important tip for good retinal health is getting regular eye check-ups from an optometrist or ophthalmologist. It can help prevent diseases or detect conditions at early stages to help you manage it better and prevent vision loss.
  • Adhering to the treatment
    Only a specialist can determine if you need drops to keep the eyes hydrated or a laser therapy for advanced AMD. So, let the doctor decide the line of treatment while you adhere to it, to get the best results.
  • Regularly monitoring blood pressure, blood glucose levels and cholesterol
    Monitoring blood pressure and cholesterol regularly is crucial to prevent damage to the heart and other organs including the eyes. Elevated blood glucose levels in diabetics can lead to DR.
  • Have a balanced diet
    The American Optometric Association highlights the importance of adding certain nutrients in your diet on a regular basis for the sake of your eyes.Foods like spinach, kale, and eggs, may reduce your risk of chronic eye diseases. Vitamin C, which is in tons of fruits and vegetables, might slow the progression of age-related vision loss. Omega-3 fatty acids from sources like flaxseeds, chia seeds, walnuts, and fish are important for proper functioning of your retina, which sends visual messages to your brain.

Damage to the retina is rarely reversible. Therefore, your best chance at preventing vision loss or blindness is being aware and protecting your eyesight. If you have a family history of chronic diseases or you are prone to illnesses, get your eyes checked regularly. Genetics are believed to play a significant role in deteriorating ocular health and are a cause of over 60% cases of childhood blindness[2]. Regular check-ups, a healthy lifestyle and adhering to treatment are the best steps to prevent retinal diseases or manage them better.

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