
WhatsApp raises group chat limit to 256 from 100 in beta version

WhatsApp recently announced that they’ve reached a billion monthly users, and promptly followed that up with the only logical next step; increasing group limits.


In the latest version on their website (version 2.12.437) the limit for members in a group chat was raised to 256 from 100, which itself was raised from the original 50 in November 2014. Of course, you won’t find this on your updated app from the Google Play Store yet as it’s still a beta version. If you want to try it out, you can download the app from the WhatsApp homepage here.

This follows close on the heels of WhatsApp’s announcement in January of this year, where the company said the app would henceforth be permanently free to use, as opposed to the previous US $1 per year subscription fee. They’ve also said that monetization through ads is out of the question, so that’s another bonus point for users.

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